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One in 63 Londoners was infected with the coronavirus last week as the capital remains the most infected area

One in 63 Londoners was infected with the coronavirus last week as the capital remains the most infected area
One in 63 Londoners was infected with the coronavirus last week as the capital remains the most infected area


London still has the highest percentage of coronavirus-positive people in any part of England, according to the latest statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

It is estimated that about 1.6% of Londoners were infected during the week leading up to February 6. This is about 1 in 63 people.

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This means that out of London’s 8.9 million population, it is estimated that about 144,000 in the capital were coronavirus-positive last week.

It was thought that more than half of the infected people were infected Kent strain of coronavirus, This is currently the predominant variant in the UK.

This figure is slightly higher than the national average, with 1 in 80 people infected across the UK last week, down from 1 in 65 last week.

However, cases appear to be declining rapidly in all parts of England except the southeastern part.

According to the latest ONS infection survey, the number of people suspected of being infected with Covid in the UK has dropped from 846,900 last week to 695,400 by January 30.

Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, Britain’s first major architect of the blockade, said the coronavirus infection rate was declining faster than expected.

“The blockade reduced the number of cases very quickly. At this point, it’s basically halved about every 17 days. That means, a month later, the Prime Minister talked about the possibility of reopening school. “I told Politico’s Westminster podcast.

“And if we continue to do that, it will continue to decline without outbreaks and will probably begin to ease other aspects of society the following month.”

According to ONS figures, Newham’s eastern London area is currently the most infected area of ​​the capital, with an estimated 3.5% of its population positive for coronavirus last week.

Meanwhile, the western London region of Hounslow and Wandsworth appears to be the least affected region of the capital, with 1.4% of people positive last week.

This was after surge tests were deployed in four locations in London this month, attempting to “erase” new cases of the new Covid variant.

Residents of Lambeth, Ehring, Haringay, and Merton knocked on the door to be tested for a South African Covid mutant that is believed to be partially resistant to the available vaccines.

Health Minister Matt Hancock said at a press conference in Downing Street earlier this week that the government had launched new steps to “proactively find and curb where new variants were found.”

“We are incorporating a small number of areas in the community where variations of concern have been found, such as door-to-door communications, enhanced testing and sequencing,” he added.

“Our vaccination program is essential to respond to changes to this virus.”

But scientists warned this morning: Social distance measures may have to be implemented at least until autumn Because the minister is trying to keep new Covid variants away.

read more: Pfizer vaccine reduces Covid-19 infection risk by a factor of four even before the second dose: Study

“As long as there are variants, we are vulnerable. That’s why it’s imperative that we continue to practice distance, masking, and isolation in case of illness. This is the form of what’s to come.” David Nabarro, a special envoy of the World Health Organization Covid-19, said.

Professor John Edmonds, a member of Sage, a scientific advisory body, said some regulations on daily life could come into force until the end of this year.

Edmonds added that if the school reopened on March 8 as planned, it would be “touch and go” if the country’s Covid R would exceed 1. It is currently estimated to be somewhere between 0.7 and 1.

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