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Covid 19 Coronavirus: Workers Should Not Be Punished For Vaccine Deployment-Union


Covid-19 Minister of Response Chris Hypkins, who announces the Pfizer vaccine, will arrive in New Zealand next week.Photo / Michael Craig

By Adam Jacobson RNZ

The union praises the government for deploying the Covid-19 vaccine to all border workers earlier than planned, but says more work is needed to distribute it to all workers. ..

On Friday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that the first batch of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine would arrive in New Zealand sooner than expected. Over the next few weeks, 12,000 workers will need to be vaccinated and then contacted with their families.

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said the first batch was sufficient to cover all border workers and vaccination would begin next Saturday.

Trade union council president Richard Wagstaff welcomed the announcement, but said more provisions needed to ensure that workers were not penalized during the vaccination program.

“”[We need to] Make sure people don’t lose anything while being vaccinated, such as lost time, payments, and transportation problems. These are the barriers we want to remove. “

He was optimistic that all issues could be resolved before vaccination began, as “unions, employers, governments and community groups are keenly interested in making this work.” ..

“The vaccination program needs to provide people with all the information they need to get vaccinated.”

He added that vaccination is a “form of collective action” and works only if everyone, or as many as possible, do it.

Etū, who represents many borders and healthcare professionals, also welcomes the early arrival of the first vaccine shipment.

The union’s assistant Secretary of State Annie Newman said it was “fully appropriate” to be vaccinated first because people working at borders and controlled quarantine facilities are “at the highest risk of exposure.”

“This is a very important milestone for Covid-19’s response and we have taken a step towards controlling this virus.”

Healthcare professionals like those who have pop-up test clinics are among those who have shown how important they are, says Etūunion. Photo / RNZ
Healthcare professionals like those who have pop-up test clinics are among those who have shown how important they are, says Etūunion. Photo / RNZ

She said important workers were not penalized by the deployment of the vaccine, which means they need to be properly paid throughout the process.

“Healthcare workers, aviation workers, cleaners, security guards, food workers, and many others show exactly how important they are.

“If you need a vacation for vaccination, you have to pay the full amount. If any part of the process prohibits you from working for a period of time, you also have to pay that vacation and the worker is on vacation. There is no need to use up. “

A union representing port workers said some temporary staff might be at risk of missing their Covid-19 vaccination.

Craig Harrison, state secretary of the Maritime Union, said ports with large numbers of temporary workers could have challenges in distributing vaccinations.

“Casual employees work three days this week and may not be visible for the next three to four weeks. It’s a challenge and you may be working somewhere else, so it’s casual on the waterfront. The nature of employment. “

Brett O’Riley, CEO of the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA), said the vaccination rollout was a confirmation of “the government’s ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe.” ..

However, O’Reilly emphasized that employers could not force staff to be vaccinated, but could provide “all the facts they need to make their own choices and encourage them to do so.” did.


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