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Paper towels are far more effective at removing viruses than hand dryers, according to a small study


A study to be presented at this year’s European Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) * indicates that the use of paper towels may be better than jet dryers for microbial removal when contaminated hands are still dry. Is also much more effective. This work was done by Dr. Ines Moura of the University of Leeds, UK, and professors Duncan Ewin and Mark Wilcox, colleagues at the University of Leeds and Leeds Educational Hospital NHS Trust.

Hand drying is important to minimize the spread of dangerous microorganisms (including the novel coronavirus). Failure to remove it will increase its migration to the surface of the environment, increasing the chances of infection and spread. In this study, we investigated whether hand-drying methods differ in the extent to which the virus can be transmitted beyond the toilet / washroom to the hospital environment.

Four volunteers used bacteriophage, a virus that infects bacteria and is harmless to humans, to simulate contamination of hands and gloved hands. Their hands were not washed after contamination-this was to simulate poorly / poorly washed hands. Hands were dried using a paper towel (PT) or jet air dryer (JAD). Each volunteer wore an apron, allowing the measurement of body / clothing contamination during hand drying. Hand-drying was done in the public toilet of the hospital, and after discharge, samples were taken from the public and ward.

Environment / surface sites (n = 11) were sampled following contact with hands or aprons. Site samples include doors (both push-type and pull-type doors), stair railings, lift buttons, chairs in public and ward areas, telephones, ward access intercom buttons, stethoscope tubes, auscultation. It was the headpiece, chestpiece and apron of the vessel. Armchairs that were in indirect contact with themselves and the apron. In the latter case, volunteers were asked to cross their arms across their chest before resting on the arm of the chair while using the apron.

The team found that both the JAD and PT methods statistically significantly reduced hand viral contamination (~ 100 and ~ 1000 viral units / μl, respectively, see full summary figure). On 10 of 11 sides, significantly more environmental pollution was detected after using JAD vs. PT. All surfaces sampled after using JAD showed phage contamination compared to only 6 surfaces after using PT. The average surface contamination after touch was more than 10 times higher after using JAD vs PT (1.1 difference on log scale: 4.1 vs 3.0 log 10 copies / μl). Viral spread to aprons / clothes was 5-fold higher in JAD compared to PT (3.5 and 2.8 log10 copies / μl, respectively). Phage transfer from the apron to the armchair through the crossed arms was detected only after using JAD (mean 3.2 log10 copies / μl). This suggests that the transfer of microorganisms to the surface of the environment can occur directly from the hand that remains contaminated after hand drying, but indirectly from the body of the person contaminated during hand drying. Can also occur.

The authors conclude that: “According to the hand drying method, there is a clear difference in the residual microbial contamination of the subject’s hands and body. Significantly, these differences in contamination are due to the level of microbial contamination after jet drying and the use of paper towels. Meaning significantly higher from hand and body across toilets / toilets. Since public toilets are used by patients, visitors and staff, the hand drying method chosen will reduce the spread of pathogens in hospitals. May increase (use jet dryer) or decrease (use paper towels). “

They also note that the findings are particularly important as the transition from using paper towels to hand dryers is common in many environments and regions of the world, especially in the UK medical environment. UK NHS ** and WHO hand washing guidelines recommend using a paper towel to dry your hands (also use a paper towel to turn off the faucet).

Their conclusions are: “We believe our results are related to the control of new coronaviruses that are spreading around the world. Paper towels are the preferred way to dry your hands after washing, and to prevent viral contamination and spread. We need to reduce the risk. ”


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