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How to exercise safely during pregnancy


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Dr. Raoul Artal, emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynecology and women’s health at St. Louis University School of Medicine, said she should eat to reduce the chance of developing hypoglycemia before exercise. Smoothies, fruits, nuts or whole grain crackers are good choices. Drink water to stay hydrated. Please do not exercise outdoors when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees. It was the heat stress of the first semester such as sauna and hot tub. And link Birth defects in the brain, nervous system, or spinal cord. According to recent the studyHowever, exercising when it’s not really hot doesn’t cause a problem because it raises the core body temperature. actually, Research suggests Exercise during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of neural tube defects.

The ACOG recommends that pregnant women avoid the following activities that may pose health risks:

  • Contact sports such as ice hockey, boxing, soccer and basketball

  • Activities with a high risk of falling, such as downhill skiing, water skiing, surfing, off-road cycling, gymnastics, horse riding

  • scuba diving

  • sky diving

  • Hot yoga or hot pilates

“Often women think that exercise means going to the gym, but not,” said Dr. Diana Ramos, director of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive medicine in the Los Angeles public health department. “It’s as easy as walking.”

Other activities recommended by ACOG include low impact aerobics such as swimming, cycling, yoga, Pilates, jogging and pool aerobics. The most important thing is to choose an activity that you can perform on a regular basis. My favorite prenatal training is What I did in the basement — Conveniently shielded from unobtrusive bystanders, just a few steps from the mandatory refueling station (my kitchen).

ACOG Guidelines Pregnant women are advised to exercise for 150 minutes a week, or 5 days a week for about 30 minutes a day. Be careful not to exercise more than 45 minutes at a time. Doing so increases the risk of hypoglycemia and can lead to lightheadedness and dizziness. OK if you didn’t exercise much before getting pregnant, or if you’re obese. Dr. Davenport said, starting with 10 minutes of activity a day, “build at a sustainable rate.” Dr. Davenport also pointed out that some activities are better than none at all-exercising less than 150 minutes a week still offers some benefits.

Aerobic exercises such as jogging are safe for women who were active before becoming pregnant. The guidelines recommend that women pass the “conversation test”. That is, you can continue the conversation during exercise. More strenuous exercise may be okay, but Dr. Gregory Davis, chair and chair of the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Queen’s University in Canada, noted that little research has been done to address this issue. “Most, if not all, knowledge of the benefits of safety and pregnancy is based at best on research protocols that reflect moderate exercise,” he said. The same applies to strength training, so don’t force yourself when lifting weights. 2015 trial Pregnant women have been found to be able to safely lift 10 pounds or less, but studies have not evaluated the safety of heavier weightlifting.

During pregnancy, women’s joints are more relaxed, so it’s important not to stretch too much, Dr. Davenport said. It is also advisable to avoid activities that require jumps or rapid changes of direction that can stress your joints. It is also important to avoid activities that require careful balance, such as skiing, as the balance becomes unstable after the first semester. Dr Ramos invests in support shoes to stay safe. Don’t go for a daily walk in beach sandals. “I really need the right support for my feet.”

The ACOG also recommends avoiding exercises that require lying on your back during pregnancy. In doing so, it limits blood flow to the heart and may limit blood flow to the fetus. Usually when this happens, I get crazy and nauseous, said Dr. Davenport.

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