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The first South African COVID variant detected in the tristate. 1 million NYers – NBC New York vaccinated in the second vaccination


Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday in Tristate First known case of South African subspecies Of the local coronavirus. The case was a Connecticut patient who was transferred to a New York City hospital for care, and there is no evidence of spread within the state, he said.

“Patients in Connecticut live in Fairfield County, aged 60-70, who haven’t traveled recently,” the Connecticut Health Department said in a statement. Contract tracking has already been completed, said state health officials are coordinating with New York officials.

Top leaders elected in the northeastern states have monitored the spread of various threats. It has traditionally consisted primarily of UK equities with nearly 150 cases between New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. South African strains were previously detected in Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina.

“The virus does not recognize state boundaries and certainly does not, so we are all responsible for what we can do personally to mitigate the spread,” Governor Ned Lamont said in a release. I did. ..

Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday that state laboratory tests confirmed another 11 cases of British variants, bringing the state’s total to 70. Of these new cases, eight were found in New York City residents, and the remaining three are related to Suffolk and Rockland County, according to the governor. Outside the city, there are cases of at least one subspecies in 13 counties.

Cases of highly contagious British strains Soared across the United States in recent weeks and is now standing at 981The CDC increased by 5% between Tuesday and Thursday reports, but increased by 42% between Sunday and Thursday.

Since then, the total has increased to 70 in New York, 36 in New Jersey, and 42 in Connecticut, but tristate officials have found that the actual number of variant cases is, given the thorough gene sequencing process required for detection. It can be much more than reported. Variants of individual samples.

New studies suggest that Pfizer / BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine appears to be effective against new variants that have begun to be distributed in the United States. This study has not been peer-reviewed or published in medical journals.

“We are deep Concerned about these variants“Currently, these are the X Factors,” De Blasio said at WNYC on Friday. “I think it’s okay to take these step-by-step measures. I’d like to see the economy recover, but one of them. At this point, if the data suggests that you have to retreat for a while, you need to listen and respond. “

Cuomo said in a press release on Saturday that New Yorkers should be praised for their efforts to combat the virus and curb its spread. Despite the new atypical cases, he noted the continued decline in the state’s overall positive rate and the success of a new low hospitalization that had not been seen since Christmas. As of Monday, 6,623 people were hospitalized for the virus.

“Hospitalization and infection rates continue to decline across the state, and New Yorkers should be commended for all the efforts and sacrifices that have helped to achieve this,” Cuomo said. “In order to completely win this war with COVID, we need to keep lowering these rates and weaponize as many shots as possible.”

In the vaccination competition, there is a new place where New Yorkers can roll up their sleeves and take shots. Checkey Beckford of NBC New York reports.

It was a milestone day when the state rushed to vaccinate New Yorkers. As of Monday, more than one million people in New York were vaccinated with both Pfizer / Bio-N-Tech and Moderna vaccines, according to Kuomo, with an estimated 3 million residents in existing health on the same day. Joined the state’s eligible list.

To date, state health care distribution sites have administered about 91% of all initial doses received, which is equivalent to about 1.99 million shots. Over 10 percent of the 19 million people who call New York their hometown have at least one shot (Those disproportionate share whites). According to experts, the lower limit of herd immunity is 75 percent. The ideal is close to 85 percent.

Currently, an estimated 10 million people are eligible to be vaccinated in the state, and it seems that 8 million have not yet been vaccinated. It will explain another weekend’s frustration for many who try to secure a booking window on a holiday weekend. The rush of state websites on Sunday (the first day people with comorbidity can sign up) left a lot on the waiting page due to the “mass”.

New Yorkers aged 16-64 with these existing conditions are given a green light on Sunday to start scheduling appointments on the state-owned site, and Monday is the first day they can get a shot. The state has warned of an influx of newly qualified New Yorkers, some of which are the most vulnerable, and the already taxed and still young system could mark the largest stress test ever seen. there is. Expect frustration, They said.

Not sure how the process works? Or when you might be able to get a promise? Check out the handy tristate vaccine site finder and FAQ here

The state’s “AmIE ligible” screening tool was updated on Sunday at 8 am to reflect the eligibility of individuals with comorbidities and underlying health conditions. According to the state, new appointments will be released on a rolling basis over the next few weeks.

To be vaccinated, you will need to provide a doctor’s letter, a signed certificate, or other medical information that indicates that you are in good health. The New York list includes intellectual disabilities and developments such as cancer, pregnancy, heart disease, weakened immunity, sickle cell disease, diabetes, neurological conditions, liver disease, obesity, lung disease, chronic kidney disease, and Down’s disease. Includes a failure.

On the website of the state-owned vaccination site, I was able to select a check box indicating that there is a qualified comorbidity from Sunday, but after trying many reservations, “Because of the large amount, this is Cannot book. Time at this location. Please try again later. “

Gary Holmes, a State Department spokesman, said the scheduling site “works very well”, with an average of 350 bookings per minute on Sunday.

“As expected, the site is experiencing a tremendous amount this morning after a reservation was made to a New Yorker with comorbidities and underlying conditions,” Holmes said in an email.

As of Sunday, New York City’s initial dose was less than 58,367. The city-run program has so far delivered approximately 812,233 initial doses, which represents approximately 93 percent of the total received.the town’s Eligibility pool expands significantly In just a few days Certification of underlying health status Get a chance to start your scheduled schedule on Monday.

With the current prevalence of new COVID-19 variants from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil, doctors are rushing to vaccinate as many Americans as possible before further mutations occur. Dr. Natasha Bhuyan, Regional Director of One Medical, joined LX News to discuss why vaccines are so important now and how to encourage patients to overcome their skepticism about vaccines.

New York was set up to receive another 317,700 doses intended to be used as the first shot of the week’s two-shot protocol ending on Saturday. It decreased from 320,525 times last week, but increased from 250,000 times in mid-January.

Overall, vaccines are expected to protect against emerging mutants and new mutants that emerge over time. Even more worrisome, according to top federal officials, is that the goal of herd immunity from vaccination months in the future could lead to a new case explosion at a time when the country is very vulnerable. is.


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