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One in three parents find COVID-19 difficult to receive preventive dental treatment for their children


By NewsDesk @ bactiman63

One-third of parents say the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult for their children to receive dental treatment.

However, some families may face greater challenges than others. According to the National Pediatric Health Survey at CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Michigan Medicine, dentist appointments were not made during a pandemic three times more often than in Medicaid children and children receiving private dental care.

Image / CS Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health at Michigan Medicine.

“Regular preventive dental treatment helps keep children’s teeth healthy, and providers can deal with cavities and tooth problems before they become serious,” said Sarah, co-director of MPH Mottpole. Clark says.

“Our findings emphasize that pandemics may have disrupted family dental care and exacerbated potential disparities among people with insurance barriers.”

According to Clark, some parents tried to continue their children’s regular dental examinations, but waited longer for appointments. Others have discovered that the dentist’s office has closed or reduced patient consultations for urgent cases.

However, a Mott poll report also revealed a silver lining. One in four parents talked about improving the way their children take care of their teeth and gums at home during a pandemic.

The nationally representative report is based on responses from 1,882 parents with at least one child between the ages of 3 and 18.

Clark details the results of the Mott Poll for Families and Dental Treatment Recommendations below.

One in three parents is trying to get preventive dental care

The American Association of Pediatric Dentists recommends that your child undergo regular tooth cleaning and inspection every 6 months after the first tooth is inserted. The test provides a consistent opportunity to identify and treat tooth rot to apply protective treatments such as sealants and fluoride varnishes, and educate parents and children about good dental hygiene.

However, to protect patients and staff, some dental clinics have changed or restricted their operations to limit the spread of COVID-19.

60% of poll parents have tried preventive dental treatment for their children since the pandemic began. Most people made reservations in the regular time frame, but 24% experienced delays and 7% couldn’t make reservations at all.

Overall, one in three parents (32%) find COVID-19 making it difficult for their children to receive preventive dental care.

According to Clark, the challenge for parents during a pandemic was to keep up to date with many schedule and operational changes, from schools to stores to healthcare providers.

“Parents who couldn’t get a dental appointment for their child should check with a regular dentist because of long waiting times and possible changes in patient limits,” she says.

COVID-19 Safety concerns can delay care

This Mott poll suggests that some parents are worried about the risk of COVID-19 exposure during dental visits and are delaying dental appointments for their children.

The majority of parents who did not plan preventive dental treatment for their children during the pandemic cited COVID-related reasons. About 40% do not want to risk exposure, but 23% say the dental office is closed or only looking at urgent patients.

Other parents say they didn’t ask for an appointment because their child didn’t plan to receive dental treatment or had no dental problems.

Most parents (67%) believe that it is safe for their child to receive dental treatment at this point in the pandemic, but 14% find it unsafe and 19% are uncertain.

Clark recommends that parents concerned about COVID exposure contact their child’s dentist to find out what types of precautions are being taken. These may include patient and staff screening and temperature checks, and keeping patients waiting in the car rather than in the waiting room.

“For dentists, it may be helpful to actively remind parents about the importance of regular dental examinations for their children,” she says. “Reminder notifications and website updates outlining practice operation changes may help more parents safely take their children to visit.”

Insurance barriers contribute to dental accessibility

Compared to children with private dental insurance, children with Medicaid dental insurance had more frequent barriers to dental appointments.

Among parents who tried to accept their children for preventive dental care, 15% of parents of children with Medicaid dental insurance compared to 4% of those with private dental insurance and 5% without insurance. , I reported that I could not make a reservation. ..

Clark states that even outside the pandemic, it is often difficult for these children to find a dentist because many healthcare providers do not accept Medicaid payments. Some children receive preventive dental services through schools and public dental offices, but those services declined during the pandemic.

Among parents who did not attempt to schedule preventive dental appointments, the cost was the reason for 23% of parents who lacked dental insurance, compared to the very few parents with private or Medicaid coverage.

“Insurance barriers can lead to unequal opportunities for families to receive important dental treatments to keep their children’s teeth healthy,” says Clark.

1 in 4 parents see improved oral hygiene habits in their children

An unexpected finding from the Mott poll report was that a quarter of parents reported improved oral hygiene habits in their children during the pandemic.

This includes more frequent brushing (16%), dental floss (11%), fluoride rinse use (9%), and reduced drinking of sugary beverages (15%).

Overall, 28% of parents have at least one child, including parents of children with Medicaid (37%) or children without dental insurance (32%), compared to private dental insurance (24%). He states that he has made positive changes.

“I was happy to find a parent who explained a positive change in how their children care for their teeth at home,” says Clark. “Daily brushing, dental floss, and avoidance of sweet drinks are important ways to prevent tooth decay.

“Parents whose children do not undergo regular dental examinations need to take additional steps to improve their daily oral hygiene habits, especially if regular dental treatment is delayed or interrupted.” She adds.

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