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Pregnancy is linked to an estimated 70% higher COVID-19 rate


Pregnant women in Washington are infected with COVID-19 at a 70% higher rate than other women of similar age, placing a disproportionate burden on non-white women. Survey Published yesterday American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

A team led by researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle, noting that population-based estimates of coronavirus infection during pregnancy are unreliable due to incomplete records of pregnancy status or inclusion of only inpatients. Analyzed data from 240 pregnant COVID-19 patients aged 35 years from March 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020, a medical system that accounts for 61% of the state’s annual births.

They estimated that women who gave birth to 13.9 for every 1,000 newborns were infected with COVID-19, compared to 7.3 of 1,000 state populations aged 20-39 years. [RR], 1.7). After excluding 45 cases of coronavirus detected by asymptomatic screening, the pregnancies in pregnant women decreased to 11.3 per 1,000 cases (RR, 1.3).

Prioritize vaccines for pregnant patients

Most non-white women show a COVID-19 infection rate that is two to four times higher than expected in Washington in 2018, between Hispanics, Native Americans / Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. The biggest disparity was seen in. A woman of Pacific Islands descent. Similarly, 30.4% of pregnant women prefer to receive care in a language other than English, while the state estimates that English proficiency is limited at 7.6%. Most women (70.7%) in this study were from minority racial and ethnic groups.

“Pregnant women were not protected from COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic, causing the greatest burden of infection in almost all racial / ethnic minority groups,” the author wrote. I will. “This data, coupled with the widespread perception that pregnancy is a risk factor for serious illness and maternal mortality, makes pregnant people, like some states, widely prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine allocation in the United States. It strongly suggests that it should be. “

Specifically, research co-author Christina Adams Waldorf, MD, said at the University of Washington. Press release Vaccination plans vary widely from state to state. “And pregnant women are written out of allocation priorities in about half of the US states. Many states associate COVID-19 vaccine allocation plans with the listed high-risk medical conditions. not. [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] — Including pregnancy. “

Risk-targeted public health message

The authors found that 70% higher rates of pregnant women cannot be fully explained by universal screening during childbirth, but in part due to child exposure in day care, their role as caregivers in extended families, and greater. Family residence, or other factors.

“The high prevalence of pregnant patients may be due to the overrepresentation of women in many occupations and industries considered essential during the COVID-19 pandemic, including healthcare, education and services. “Maybe,” lead author Dr. Erica Rocken said in the release.

Researchers sought a targeted public health message.

“By understanding the geographical, racial / ethnic and linguistic distribution of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant patients, the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated adverse maternal and fetal consequences. Can target the highest public health response to pregnant women. ”They concluded.

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