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Gilroy Senior Center Opens New Popup Vaccination Site


A new pop-up vaccination site opened at Gilroy Senior Center in Gilroy on Wednesday.

The new site is part of Santa Clara County’s latest efforts to distribute vaccines and ensure access to the most devastated communities in East San Jose and Gilroy.

The move is that in early February the county was vaccinated at a lower rate than other groups, despite the imbalance of COVID-19 effects. It was after I realized it.

As of Wednesday, only 5.9 percent of the nearly 415,000 eligible Latino Americans were vaccinated, according to county data. By comparison, the proportion of eligible Caucasian residents is 14.3%, and for the eligible Asian population, 15.8% of the 530,000 currently vaccinated are vaccinated.

In the county, the Latin population accounts for 51% of COVID-19 cases, but only 25% of the population.

“Currently we are in the hot zone, which means that many people are positive for COVID-19 and get sick,” supervisor Cindy Chavez said in front of the new vaccination site. It was. “And because the community suffers from this disproportionateness, it is our duty to do everything we can to be innovative and creative.”

The new site is an example of a creative solution, Chavez said. This is because it is at the heart of the most affected zip codes and serves the most affected population, the Latin elderly.

According to Chavez, volunteers will make door-to-door visits to inform older people when and where they can be vaccinated.

Gilroy city council member Rebeka Armendaris said the new pop-up site was a sigh of relief for her, and many “have the opportunity to get vaccinated, which makes breathing easier.”

But that doesn’t mean the struggle is over, she said.

“The number of elderly Latinos vaccinated is very small and incredibly imbalanced, and the number of Nan County continues to grow,” Armendaris said.

According to county data, of the county’s population aged 65 and over, only 25% of the Latin population is vaccinated, as opposed to 50% of the Asian population and 38% of the Caucasian population. ..

Gilroy also has the highest number of reported COVID-19 cases per capita, with 13% of Gilroy’s population being COVID-19 positive and maintaining number one, said Gilroy Fire Chief Jim Wyatt. ..

According to the Santa Clara County Public Health Service, San Jose was steadily second during the last 11 months of the pandemic until Morgan Hill overtook it to become the second most COVID-infected city.

But county and local leaders still say that this new site is a sign of a better era coming to Gilroy.

“Gilroy has mourned so many losses that it’s great to be inside you to celebrate the day of joy and hope,” said Claudia Rossi, president of the county school board. “I think today’s message is that we are rebuilding together.”

Armendariz said the new site will be up and running for two weeks. On Friday, vaccinations will also be available at the Gilroy Veterans Hall and Gardner Health Clinic. By the end of the month, the city will work with the county to open a mass vaccination site at Gilroy High School.

Currently, vaccinations are available to healthcare professionals, long-term care facility residents, staff, and residents aged 65 and over.

If you would like to schedule a vaccine appointment or learn more about the process in Santa Clara County, please visit or call 211.

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