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CSUN Vaccination Site-Sundial Offering Only Second Vaccination Due to Vaccine Shortage

CSUN Vaccination Site-Sundial Offering Only Second Vaccination Due to Vaccine Shortage


Barbara + Ferrer% 2C + director + of + the + Los + Angeles + County + Department + of + Public + Health% 2C + Speaks + to + Patients + who + receive + the + COVID-19 + vaccine + at + the + CSUN + Distribution + Site + On + Saturday% 2C + February + 13% 2C + 2021.

Samantha Sublab

Barbara Ferrer, Director of the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, will speak to patients vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at the CSUN distribution site on Saturday, February 13, 2021.

CSUN’s COVID-19 vaccination site currently offers only a second vaccination due to lack of vaccine.

This site was visited by the Los Angeles County Public Health Service Director Barbara Ferrer On Saturday, she answered a question about vaccination shortages and disparities between black and Latin communities in Los Angeles.

The number of vaccines given at CSUN varies, but Ferrer states that it usually exceeds 2,000 per day.

However, Ferrer explained that CSUN’s site is particularly much larger, “easy to run at 4,000” per day, and “expandable to 6,000” with sufficient dose.


“In Los Angeles County, we can vaccinate 600,000 people a week. [but] We only take 200,000 times, “Feller said. “If you give us another 400,000 doses tomorrow, we will put them in people’s arms within a week.”

CSUN is one of LA County’s seven mega PODs, or mass distribution points, for vaccination. All 7 county mass vaccination sites are now Offer only a second dose due to deficiency..

The city-run vaccination site was hit harder, and Dodger Stadium and other facilities were temporarily closed. Last week was out of stock.. The site was reopened on February 16th.

“It’s easily accessible from here. If you have one million doses a week, you can probably … have one million doses a week,” says Ferrer. “We have built a vast network. There is not enough dose for everyone.”

Workers are waiting to guide people arriving at CSUN for a second dose of Pfizer vaccine. Only a second vaccination appointment is allowed to continue due to lack of vaccine. (((Trevor Morgan)

Feller has expressed cautious optimism about getting more vaccines and hopes that the new single-dose vaccine will facilitate the vaccination process.

“We have a new partner with President Biden. I know that will make things much better. He is buying more vaccines with Johnson & Johnson and We hope to be approved by the FDA after the clinical review, “Feller said. “This is a one-shot vaccine and it will certainly be much easier … I’m very optimistic that I can get more, but now we are in some rare situation.”

The vaccine currently being administered at CSUN is from Pfizer.according to Pfizer clinical trials, The efficacy rate of their vaccine is 52% after the first dose and 95% after the second dose.

However, health officials still emphasize the importance of wearing a mask and keeping a social distance after the second dose.

“Even after the second vaccination, it can take up to two weeks to build about 95% immunity,” said Manuel Martinez, a spokesman for the LA County Fire Department. “It’s 95%, it’s not 100% … you’re still 5% likely to catch COVID.”

Martinez also stated that the first vaccinated person can appear 21 days after the first dose without a reservation, as long as the vaccination card is brought to the same location at the same time as the first appointment.

The CSUN site will only start the second dose on February 8th and will continue until March 1st.

In addition to the shortage, California also faces inequality in who is vaccinated. Recent data released by the stateLatin Americans, at least the first vaccinated, make up 23.2% of the total vaccinated population. The number of black communities, which make up 4.1% of the total vaccinated population, is also small.

Latin Americans and Hispanics made up 48.6% of LA County’s population in 2019. Census Bureau.. The black community made up 9% of the county’s population.

Feller acknowledged that both lack of trust and access to vaccine sites contributed to inequality in vaccine distribution.

“I think it’s probably a little bit of both,” Feller said. “There are 390 vaccination sites that will open next week. So there are some big sites, but there are far more small sites, and those small sites are in the most damaging areas. They are pharmacies. , A small clinic and a federally qualified health center. Where people have already gone to their neighborhoods and have a credible relationship. “

According to Feller, the Public Health Service is doing everything it can to dispel false information about vaccines and open a vast network of vaccination sites, but the biggest problem is vaccine shortages.

“The biggest obstacle is also the lack of vaccines,” Feller said. “We have to do a better job to get them into the arms of the most risky people, but we need to do a better job just by increasing the vaccine dose in the county. There is also. “

CSUN drive-up vaccination site Is open from 9am to 4pm and stays open regardless of weather conditions.

See below for more information and when and where to get vaccinated.

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