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California hospitals confirm staff COVID-19 infections are reduced to “single digits” after achieving herd immunity

California hospitals confirm staff COVID-19 infections are reduced to “single digits” after achieving herd immunity


So COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccinations have sped up nationwide, and a devastated California hospital says its staff have achieved herd immunity. In December, when the pandemic peaked in the state, the UC Davis Medical Center had 231 employees for COVID-19.

On Wednesday, that number was only 10.

So far, more than 56 million vaccines have been given in the United States, but scientists say the country needs to be safe because the United States is still far from herd immunity. However, at the University of California, Davis, more than 90% of our staff have received at least the first shot and have reached that threshold.

Chasity Whitmer, a nurse at the University of California, Davis, gave birth to a baby at the height of the pandemic. She hesitated when it was time for her to be vaccinated, she told CBS News David Benyo.

“If I get the vaccine, will I get COVID?” What are my side effects? How long will it last? Whitmer remembered wondering.

But with her husband, who is at home and caring for the children, Whitmer told CBS News what changed her mind.

“I had a rescue nurse in my unit and had discussions,” she said. “What happens if I get infected with COVID? I can’t work. I don’t have any income or health insurance. So I talked to each other to build confidence and got up. A line to get vaccinated.”

She and more than 90% of Sacramento’s UC Davis Medical Center staff have been vaccinated at least once.

That number is 100% among hospital emergency physicians, said Dr. Nate Kupperman, director of the emergency department.

Vaccination of the majority of employees changed the ability to staff staff in the endoplasmic reticulum, and felt that “this pressure had risen from our shoulders,” Kupperman said.

“Therefore, there would have been 100-150 employees who were always calling for sick people who were infected with COVID and did not come in before the vaccine came out,” he said. “And now I think it’s a single digit, that is, less than 10.”

It’s not just the University of California, Davis healthcare system. Throughout the University of California’s healthcare system, medical staff cases have decreased from 431 per week to 171 per week. Fewer sick staff has also reduced the burden on healthcare professionals.

Interim Employee Medical Services Director Ann Tompkins said data from the University of California, Davis and people’s stories are “a proof that the vaccine is really working.”

“We’re okay,” she said.

As for Whitmer, the nurse became an evangelist because she was skeptical of the vaccine — a few days after she received her second dose, Whitmer’s husband, mother, three children, and grandmother were all. It was COVID-19 positive. Only she and her grandfather were not vaccinated — and only two in the family were vaccinated.

“My husband is very suffering from COVID pneumonia and was in the emergency department here for 9 hours. My grandmother stayed in the hospital for 25 days with COVID pneumonia and is still recovering with oxygen,” Whitmer said. I did. “It’s not fun to see my family get sick. I’m a nurse and I’m very scared to see them getting sick and going to the hospital or staying at home.”

Whitmer said her husband “did not know if he would be one of the living, so it made me emotional when I remembered it.” Or die.“”

One member of the CBS News team, who was filming the video at the University of California, Davis, said it was the calmest and quietest hospital he had visited in a few months.

And while the staff there are convinced that they are all protected by the vaccine, they always require masks and social distance.


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