The use of drugs and alcohol at a young age can affect heart health
- Young adults who use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs are more likely to develop heart health problems early, according to researchers.
- They say women are more sensitive than men because of the lack of screening for biology and heart problems.
- They add that young adults need to be educated about the long-term effects of substance use because many feel invincible.
Drinking, smoking and drug use are associated with early heart disease in adolescents, especially women, both as entertainment and in new studies.
The· SurveyPeople using four or more substances, published in the journal Heart, conclude that they are nine times more likely to be affected.
The number of young adults with heart disease (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) is increasing.
Although the link between heart disease and substance use is well known, the role of recreational use in adolescents has been less clear.
“We knew that substances such as alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs were involved in the development of atherosclerosis (ASCVD), but their use was so serious in the development of early ASCVD, especially in women. I didn’t know it was influencing. ” Dr. Robert Oxner, The Chief Medical Officer of Sandstone Care, a rehab facility based in Colorado, told Healthline.
Utilizing information from 2014 to 2015 nationwide Veteran Affairs Healthcare Database Researchers have considered the recreational use of tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, and drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines in the Veterans (VITAL) registry of early atherosclerosis.
They defined very early heart disease as an “event” such as a heart attack, angina, or a stroke under the age of 40. They defined early heart disease as an event under the age of 55 for men and under 65 for women.
They found 135,703 immature heart disease and 7,716 very immature heart disease, compared to 1,112,455 with heart disease.
People with early-stage heart disease smoke (63% vs 41%), drink (32% vs 15%), cocaine (13% vs 2%), amphetamine (3% vs 0.5%), cannabis (3% vs 0.5%) ) Tended to use. 12% vs. 3% than people without heart disease).
After considering factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, people who smoke cigarettes are almost twice as likely to have early-onset heart disease, and 50% more people drink it entertainingly.
People who used cocaine were more than twice as likely to have early-onset heart disease, while those who used amphetamines were almost three times more likely. People who used cannabis and other medications were about 2.5 times more likely.
Doctors told Healthline that what really stood out in the study was that more women had early-stage heart problems than men.
“Women are more prone to coronary spasm than men and can cause myocardial damage (and) heart attacks,” he said. Dr. GaimintzDirector of Cardiovascular Health and Lipidology at Northwell Health, Sandra Atlas Bathhart Hospital, Manhasset, NY.
“This vasospasm can be caused by inflammation. Indeed, cocaine is known to cause vasospasms and heart attacks,” he explained.
“Female smokers are more likely to have early-stage heart disease. The exact mechanism is unknown,” Mintz added. “Inflammation, like endothelial dysfunction, can play a direct role in damaging the lining of blood vessels.”
Dr. MontigoshAn assistant professor of internal medicine and an addiction expert at the University of Alberta in Canada, told Healthline that the increase in the number of women is “very interesting.”
“It’s hard to say what is causing this, but the author speculates that this is part of the reason why society doesn’t screen and treat women as much as men,” Gauche said. “This leads to women’s problems not being addressed quickly enough, causing problems for women with heart disease that could have been avoided.”
“This confirms that we need to be more vigilant to screen women for substance abuse disorders,” he added.
Oxner’s comment was the same as Gauche’s.
“More research will be needed to determine why such serious effects were on the development of immature and premature ASCVD in women,” he said. “But this study showed that gender discrimination in screening and treatment of women with substance use disorders could play a role in identifying women at risk.”
In the editorial linked to the study, Dr. Anthony Wayne OCocaine and methamphetamine from LSU Health Shreveport, Louisiana, said they are associated with faster cellular senescence and neurocognitive decline.
People who start using substances at a young age will have a long-term deterioration in their health, so “a national education campaign on the potential for long-term damage to the cardiovascular system of patients with substance use disorders” Is required.
“We are young only once, so we should do our best to stay that way as much as possible,” he added.
Dr. Christopher JohnstonThe Chief Medical Officer of the Pinnacle Treatment Center told Healthline that young people often feel invincible.
“Mental and mood-altering substances, as opposed to true recreational activities, to address the stressors of life, such as enjoying outdoor activities and yoga, and meeting people with common interests to relax. When used, the levels of toxins in the body are clearly different, and then improved circulation, “Johnston said.
“I think it comes down to Mickey Mantle’s words. Mood-changing drugs are an unhealthy and quick solution,” he added. “Healthy activities require effort and longer time to achieve the desired effect.”
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