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Friday update: Governor Person: Local mass vaccination event to be held next week


Governor Person has sent a news release that next week’s mass vaccination event will continue as planned.

“DHSS, Missouri soldiers, SEMA, and local partners continue to focus on our common goal of vaccinating the arms of all Missouri citizens who want the vaccine as soon as possible,” Parson said. The governor said. “We thank the Missourians for their continued interest in vaccination and their efforts and adaptability in conducting these events to state and local teams.”

Extreme winter weather continues to delay the shipment of vaccines from the federal government, but with the availability of federal supplies, the state is working with local partners to schedule mass vaccination events. I’m continuing.

So far, there are pending events in Region A of Pettis County, with dates and times pending at the state fairground.

In Region B, Randolph County is hosting an event at the Riley Pavilion in Rothwell Park, Moberly. The date and time are pending.

Region F has pending dates and times for events in Audrain and Cole County. There is currently no site location in Coal County. In Audrain County, the event will take place at the Mexico Memorial at 11918 US54 in Mexico.

The final event in central Missouri will be on Mondays and Tuesdays from 8am to 4pm (or until supply continues) in Morgan County, Versailles 501W. It takes place at the first rally of the Church of God on Hicks Street.

We will update the website as soon as the details of the event are confirmed.. Missourians should check the site regularly for event information and registration details. Missourians who have already registered for the event are also encouraged to check the website regularly for cancellations and other changes.

Audrain County reports one new COVID-19 death

The Audrain County Health Department reports the 53rd COVID-19-related death since the county first reported death in June 2020.

This is the third coronavirus-related death this month and the 17th death this year.

The Ministry of Health has reported 12 active cases and a total of 1,677 cases since the pandemic began.

Currently, there is one resident who is hospitalized for coronavirus.

The Missouri COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard reports that 13% of the county’s population received the first dose of the vaccine.

Boone County Courthouse and Callaway Court move to Phase 2

From Monday morning, Boon Court and Callaway Court Supreme Court Management Directive Phase 2.2.

Courts are currently requiring face masks or covers during proceedings in all public court areas and in all courts, unless justified reasons to limit the requirements in a particular proceeding.

The court has face shields available to witnesses and parties as needed. There are masks available for those who need them.

The court will continue to utilize the available technology to limit direct court appearances to the extent practicable.

The circuit has been in Phase 1 since October 25th.

Cole and the other three counties report zero new cases

Cole, Randolph, Monite and Chariton counties all reported zero new cases on Friday.

In Cole County, the Department of Health does not just list the number of cases and deaths in the county.

In Randolph County, there are four active cases and one inpatient.

There are currently 9 active cases in Moniteau County.

In Chariton County, there are 12 active cases.

Other counties with single-digit active cases are Marys (7 actives) and Howard (8 actives).

Boone County positive rate continues to decline

The Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Department has reported 36 new COVID-19 cases.

The health sector is currently reporting 199 active cases, up 12 from Thursday.

The dashboard reports a positive rate of 16.3% from February 5th to February 11th. The latest positive rate is reported to be 14.4 for the week from February 12th to last Thursday.

The county continues to decline, with only double-digit cases increasing for 23 consecutive days. This is the maximum number of days since October 13th with only a double digit increase.

The county currently has a reported total of 17,275 COVID-19 cases.

The county reports that the total number of cases excluded from quarantine was 17,001, an increase of 24 from Thursday.

The Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Department’s dashboard reports an average of 28 for the last five days, an increase of five from Thursday.

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Columbia / Boone County Department of Public Health and Welfare February 19 Dashboard

The Department of Health reports that the total number of hospitalizations in Boone County is 35.

The number of inhabitants in Boone County was seven, reportedly down by three from Thursday.

The dashboard reports 11 COVID-19 patients on the ICU and 7 patients on mechanical ventilation.

The hospital status is currently “green” status. “Green” status is when the hospital operates within the approved bed capacity. Accept patient transfers from referral hospitals within standard treatment operating procedures.

The Missouri Coronavirus Vaccine Dashboard reports that 24,458 people received their first dose in Boone County.

The county has the fourth highest proportion of people who have been vaccinated at least once with 13.6% of the vaccine.

Sarine District is the largest, with 16.8% of the population receiving the first dose of the vaccine. Montgomery County is second with 15% and Cole County is third with 14.3%.

Randolph County to host a coronavirus vaccination clinic on Wednesday

The Randolph County Health Department says it plans to host a coronavirus outbreak clinic next week.

The ministry said it expects dose shipments to arrive on Tuesday. The clinic will be held Wednesday from 9am to 6pm at Rothwell Park in Mobberley.

This clinic is for the second dose and is only available to participants. First mass vaccination clinic on January 29.. The health department asks attendees to bring their vaccine card from the first appointment and arrive at about the same time as the first appointment.

The department has set March 2 as a backup date if the vaccine dose does not arrive.

Randolph county has been given about 3,000 initial doses, accounting for about 9.7% of the county’s population. The proportion of counties is the second lowest among the counties in central Missouri, after 7.9% in Miller County. According to the state’s coronavirus dashboard..

Missouri coronavirus vaccination doubles COVID-19 confirmed cases

As of Friday morning, Missouri health officials have vaccinated more than twice as many people with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Missouri Health Senior Services Department Coronavirus dashboard He said the state had 966,807 vaccinations. This is an increase of 26,997 from the number reported on Thursday.

Missouri Health and Senior Services Department

According to the dashboard, the health department has identified 474,021 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

Recently, the health department has reported fewer cases of new coronaviruses on its dashboard. The state’s average daily new case count was reported at 504 on Friday, down from 4,866 at the peak of the pandemic on November 12.

Health departments and hospitals continue to vaccinate residents as the daily increase in case numbers diminishes. The average number of daily vaccinations provided by the health sector was reported on Friday at 21,891. The agency included 153,238 vaccinations per week ending on Tuesday.

The dashboard included that 680,951 people were first vaccinated-11.1% of the state’s population. Health officials said 4.7% of the state’s population received two doses.

Due to the dangerous cold this week, many vaccination clinics in the state had to be closed. MU Healthcare Announces Thursday The vaccination clinic for those who received the first vaccination was postponed, but the residents who received the second vaccination were still vaccinated.

The Ministry of Health reported 14 new virus-related deaths, bringing the total pandemic to 7,709.

The 7-day COVID-19 positive rate in Missouri was reported to be 7%. The Ministry of Health revised Thursday’s positive rate lower-6.7%. Based on dashboard data, rates have risen slightly over the last two days.

State hospital officials said the latest available data showed that 1,254 people were hospitalized for the pandemic and 287 were in ICU beds.

Audrain / Boon / Callaway / Chariton / Cole / Columbia / Mail Alert – Latest News / Health / Howard / Marys / Missouri / Moniteau / Morgan / News / Pettis / Randolph / Top Story

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