Covid 19 Coronavirus: First MIQ Worker’s Message to Family
Lynette Faiva is New Zealand’s first vaccinated MIQ worker.Photo / Attachment
Today, the MIQ worker who first received the Covid-19 jab in New Zealand returns to her family’s home and tells them that the vaccine is not afraid of anything.
Lynette Fiber, who works for Jetpark’s family team, said her Whānau was undecided about vaccination, but she wanted to share her experience with them.
“I didn’t feel anything. It was like a small puncture wound … I tell them nothing to fear, it didn’t hurt, and it was really easy,” says Fiber. I did.
“I want them to be confident in their decisions.”
Fiber said it was a privilege to receive the vaccine first and was grateful for the opportunity.
“It was about providing another layer of protection.”
At Jet Park, Fiber is responsible for providing support to families during controlled quarantine. She organizes games, educational activities, and welfare support for them.
Working in Jet Park, where people who tested positive for Covid-19 stayed, meant that she had to prepare the protocol when she returned to her family’s home.
“I can’t hug my family when I get home. I have to take a shower first, take off all my clothes and put them in the laundry.
“These are things I have to follow when I get home, because if I bring the virus home and they catch it, it will absolutely devastate me.”
MIQ workers spoke to the media this afternoon with colleagues Drurifa and Ronamaso, who got the jab after her.
Health Director Ashley Bloomfield said today’s devoted vaccination of border staff is a major step forward in the fight against Covid-19.
“A milestone that helps protect people at highest risk of getting the virus and reduce the risk of spreading it to the community.”
Bloomfield said the pandemic is one of the most important global public health challenges of the first century, and management needs to be remembered for some time to come. It was.
“Even if vaccinations begin, it’s important for everyone to be vigilant and stick to the basics. If you’re feeling sick, stay home, get tested, wash your hands, cough. Get advice on sneezing on your elbows and wearing masks and face covers on all public transport. “
Dr. Nicky Turner, director of the Immunization Advisory Center, said people kept asking her how safe the vaccine was and she wanted to reassure the public that it was incredibly safe.
“We are confident in the safety of this vaccine … there is nothing to worry about about this vaccine,” Turner said.
About New Zealand Vaccines:
New Zealand pre-purchases four vaccines from Pfizer and BioNTech. Janssen Pharma; Novavax; and AstraZeneca.
The first agreement was 1.5 million doses from Pfizer and BioNTech.
This is a sufficient vaccine for 750,000 people, and each person should be vaccinated twice at approximately monthly intervals.
We have signed a principle agreement with Janssen-Pharma to purchase up to 5 million vaccines. This may be a single dose.
In December, the government signed a further agreement with Novavax to purchase the vaccine 10.72 million times. This is enough to inoculate 5.36 million people twice, but this is not expected until later this year.
Another deal, signed in December, will secure 7.6 million Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines in New Zealand, sufficient for 3.8 million people.
Vaccine manufacturers say they are 90-95% effective.
Bloomfield states that the level of effectiveness not only protects people from severe illness and death, but also from symptomatological illnesses.
“Current ongoing trials and continuous monitoring of vaccinated people show how long immunity lasts, but all studies being conducted have shown that people receive their second dose, especially. , Responsive and immunity lasts for at least several months. “
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