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Covid: Care Home Residents will be allowed one nominated indoor visitor from March 8th


Care home Residents will be allowed to join hands with their loved ones from March 8th, based on a government plan to ease the Covid-19 blockade restrictions in the United Kingdom.

Residents are allowed to visit alone on a regular basis as measures are beginning to loosen nationwide.

Visitors Coronavirus Lateral flow testing and personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn prior to admission.

Hands are allowed, but residents are required not to hug or kiss relatives.

Care home guidance will be published in the next two weeks.

Health Minister Matt Hancock He immediately said that he was “happy” that he could “reunite with his loved ones who live in a long-term care facility politely and safely.”

Outdoor visits and visits within the pods and behind the screen can continue, allowing residents to see more than the designated visitors.

The government has achieved its goal of providing social care and NHS staff, along with all the most clinically vulnerable people over the age of 70, to all care home residents. vaccine By February 15th.

Scientists believe the vaccine will be effective after three weeks. This means that by March 8th, everyone who receives the vaccine should receive a sufficient level of protection from Covid-19.

However, vaccination is not a condition of your visit. Visits are also suspended during local outbreaks in individual homes.

The government has achieved its goal of providing vaccines to residents of all long-term care facilities by February 15. credit: PA image

The Ministry of Health said the relaxation of restrictions represents a balance between the risk of infection and the importance of visiting for the mental and physical well-being of caregiver residents and their families. ..

Hancock said:

“This is just the first step back to where we want to be.

“We need to keep the infection rate low so that we can gradually increase visits in the future.”

Minister Helen Watterycare said:

“When new variants were discovered, we needed to limit most of our visits, but we did everything we could to allow them to continue in some way.

“This includes funding for screen and PPE costs.

“Once we start to open up, we’ll step by step to get more visitors, remembering that we’re still on the verge of a pandemic.”

Professor Deborah Stardy, chief nurse for adult social welfare, said:

“This is the first step in resuming indoor visits, and we all hope we can take another step in the future.

“We are delighted to be able to increase the number of visitors as a result of many people following the rules. I hope this is just the beginning.”

Coming as Prime Minister Boris Johnson Prepare his “roadmap” from the national blockade, Details will be announced on Monday.

Residents are required not to hug or kiss the designated visitor. credit: PA image

Relaxation was welcomed by Charity Age UK. Its director, Caroline Abrahams, said: It will start soon.

“The first step is to allow the“ providing essential care to the visitor ”to be returned to the care home. These individuals are very important to the health and well-being of the residents they support.

“We know that in the absence of them, some older people stopped eating and drinking, despite the best efforts of the staff.

“Sometimes only the ones you love most in the world will do so, and it is the government’s credit that they acknowledge this.

“But these very special people are relatively few, so most caregiver residents and their families will have to wait a little longer for permission to meet again.”

Liz Kendall, Minister of Shadow Health and Social Care, said: necessary.

“During this period, the minister was unable to repeatedly understand how important the family was to the physical and mental health of the residents of the care facility, which had a terrifying effect on the visit.

“Family must not be denied the right to visit a loved one in a care facility. To be confident that things will really change, enshrine the right to visit residents and end a total ban scandal. I need a law for. “

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