The UK is now considered to be at the peak of coronavirus outbreaks (Photo: Shutterstock) The British blockade was extended for another three weeks, at least until May 7. The government announced the extension at a daily press briefing on Thursday (April 17th). When will the number of cases peak? The UK is […]" /> The UK is now considered to be at the peak of coronavirus outbreaks (Photo: Shutterstock) The British blockade was extended for another three weeks, at least until May 7. The government announced the extension at a daily press briefing on Thursday (April 17th). When will the number of cases peak? The UK is […]"> This is when the coronavirus is expected to peak in the UK and its impact on lockdown - ExBulletin
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This is when the coronavirus is expected to peak in the UK and its impact on lockdown


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The UK is now considered to be at the peak of coronavirus outbreaks (Photo: Shutterstock)

The British blockade was extended for another three weeks, at least until May 7.

The government announced the extension at a daily press briefing on Thursday (April 17th).

When will the number of cases peak?

The UK is now considered to be at the peak of coronavirus outbreaks, according to the government’s chief medical officer.

Criswitti said at a daily press briefing Wednesday (April 15) that the country was “probably reaching an overall peak,” and that the infection curve is now beginning to flatten.

Experts emphasized that this does not mean that the death toll will soon start following, but the number of new cases of people tested positive for coronavirus has increased over the past week.

He said: “We all think this has leveled off, but sadly we think many deaths will continue for some time.

“My expectation is that after every weekend, there is a slump in the weekend, and the death toll will increase over the next two days, so the death toll could increase.”

Is Social Distance Measurement Working?

While it is certain that the government’s plans for dealing with the virus are “working” and that social distance measures are properly impacted, Whitti and Secretary of Health Matt Hancock said I warned that it is still early to start releasing.

“We’re still at the peak and we haven’t reached the point where we can safely say with confidence that we can think a lot about the next phase,” Whitty said.

Dr. Jenny Harry’s, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of England, said a reduction in the number of cases should continue after the first peak if social distance measurements are closely observed.

She said: “If people reduce their social interaction, we start to see changes in the graph.

“The peaks are moving forward, but the heights are lower, and NHS hospital care can be safely managed.”

When can I unlock the lockdown?

While recovering from the coronavirus, Foreign Minister Dominic Clave, acting on behalf of the prime minister, said the latest data suggested that Britain “started to win” the virus three weeks after the regulations were imposed. It was

However, Raab argued that the virus hasn’t passed its peak yet, and it’s too early to relax the measures, prompting expansion until at least May 7.

Raab said five things need to be satisfied before the government considers it safe to coordinate the current measures.

-Protect the NHS’s capacity to cope and be confident that the NHS can provide adequate critical care throughout the UK

-A sustained and consistent reduction in daily mortality to help ensure that the UK is above peak

-Reliable data from government scientific advisors showing infection rates have declined to manageable levels overall

-Confidence that test capabilities and personal protective equipment (PPE) have a “supply to meet future demand”

-A belief that adjusting the current measures does not risk the second peak of infectious disease.

Raab added that the infection rate-R0 value-is almost certainly less than 1 in the community.

“But overall, we haven’t lowered the infection rate as long as we need it,” he said.


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