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A weekly report from Pennsylvania shows a decline in COVID cases in Berks County.Coronavirus


All trends show COVID pandemics in Berks County and Pennsylvania.

In the weekly report, Burks had minus 138 cases in the week ending Thursday and the week ending February 11, with a positive rate of 7.6%, the lowest in almost three months.

Overall, Pennsylvania has lost about 5,500 cases in the same week, with a positive rate of 6.5%, approaching the 5% level used by the State Department as a benchmark.

Statistics are calculated using the nasal swab test only, not the antigen and antibody tests. In Burkes, about 17% of cases are caused by antigen and antibody tests. The proportion across the state is a few percent lower.

The state will comment on the data on Monday and publish a weekly watch list on community expansion and positive rates. Burkes has been on both lists for months.

At one point, all 67 counties were on the list, but more counties have been moved in the last few weeks. The next issue of the list should include more, but it’s unlikely in Burkes.

In cases per 100,000 population across the pandemic, Burkes remains number 13 in the state with approximately 8,300. At some point, Burkes was the fourth highest rate.

Adjacent counties Lebanon and Scuccal have higher rates. The top 10 counties on that indicator are all more rural counties.

The densely populated Philadelphia and Delaware counties have been strangled in first and second place for several months, but are out of the top 25 in terms of cases per 100,000 meters.

In the neighboring Chester County, which has more than 100,000 residents than Burkes, the pandemic rate per 100,000 is less than 5,700 in the bottom 25 of the state. Prices for all counties adjacent to Chester are much higher.

Daily report

Vaccine shipments at Burks decreased with the first dose, as bad weather caused few vaccine shipments this week and the state admitted a mix of Moderna vaccine providers.

No vaccine distribution listed in any county in the sector Spreadsheet..

The COVID vaccination numbers provided by the department on Saturday indicate that Burks residents received a second vaccination rather than a first.

The number of Burks residents who completed a two-dose course of Pfizer or Moderna products increased by 1,208 to 15,505, but even with a single dose decreased from 342 to 21,505.

First-timers move to the “Completed” column after the second dose.

The Ministry of Health said last week that some modeler providers in the state gave a second dose as the first shot. As a result, the state will need to reschedule tens of thousands of appointments, extending the time delay between the first and second doses to Pfizer’s 21st and Modana’s 28th to 42nd. I did.

A Saturday health department report reported that there were 101 new COVID cases due to Burks, bringing the total pandemic to 34,960 cases.

The 14-day average rose from 112 to 114.

The average smoothes out uneven reports of test results.

The daily report looks at the previous day’s stats, with the exception of Monday, which is the stats for Saturday and Sunday.

Each new case is a new person who tested positive.

Overall, the state reported 2,818 additional COVID cases for a total of 911,591 pandemics.

The state reported two COVID deaths for Burks residents on Saturday, with a total pandemic of up to 879. The latest deaths were part of the 90 reported state-wide, with a total pandemic of 23,570.

The county coroner’s office added two deaths on Saturday, bringing the total pandemic to 851. Both were women and both were residents of Burks. Their ages were 64 and 78 years.

The number of coroners includes 42 non-residents who died in Burks during the pandemic and does not appear in the Burks state report.

COVID hospitalization on Saturday was about the same as on Friday, reducing one patient to 2,060 across the state. The strong decline in hospitalizations continues until the latest numbers are one-third of the pandemic peak less than two months ago.

Read hospital online Dashboard Penn State Health St. Joseph, reflecting 58 patients Dashboard Had 16


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