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Fit to Life: Stop Losing “Weight”


Saturday, February 20, 2021

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When I ask most people what their fitness goal is, the standard response is to “lose weight.”

When asking a healthcare professional what is the best way to lose weight, the standard answer is to create a calorie deficiency and eat less calories than you burn.

My answer is always “build muscle and burn body fat”. It’s a simple answer and a proven true prescription for ultimate health and fitness.

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However, there are many layers in the structure, and the components for writing programs are not just generalized and comprehensive answers.

Analyze the factors that help you achieve health and fitness, and reverse engineer your overall goal to just “lose weight.”

Our metabolism determines the rate of calorie burning at rest. People with slow metabolism have a hard time losing weight, and people with fast metabolism burn calories faster at rest.

The bad news is that our metabolism slows down as we get older, but the good news is that we include it in our daily lives, which can help speed up our metabolism and increase calorie expenditure. That is, there are some hacks that can be done.

BMR or basal metabolic rate calculates the amount of calories you can burn by performing basic daily tasks.

Exercise can lead to loss and weight loss at first, but you can’t carry out a bad nutrition plan.

Your BMR is based on your skeletal to fat ratio, which is important data you need to know. Otherwise, you will be riding a weight loss roller coaster forever.

The concept is lack of calories. However, calories are not calories. You can reach your goals faster and more efficiently by avoiding empty calories such as processed foods and sugar, but if you limit calories too much and don’t eat enough good protein, you’ll achieve ultimate health and fitness. It adversely affects the attempted attempt.

Calories are not calories when you are trying to achieve long-term weight loss.

Are you still confused?

Let me give you an example. Let’s say the BMR is 1385. This is the minimum amount of calories you need to function properly throughout the day.

Now suppose you’re on a 1200 calorie “diet” a day and eat junk such as bread, processed foods, candies, and other sugar-filled substances.

Do you lose weight on the scale? However, BMR decreased, probably because they didn’t eat enough protein to limit calories and maintain muscle mass.

When you lower your BMR, all the calories you eat above the new baseline lead to weight gain.

Yes, you can lose a ton of weight on a liquid diet, or on some of these bullshit hunger diets, but you will also lose muscle. When you lose muscle, your BMR drops, and every time you burn more calories than your BMR, you eventually get all your weight back.

Building muscle is the best advice I can give to anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness.

I’ve been preaching this concept for over 20 years, and it’s still true today.

Walking, running, and riding an exercise bike on a treadmill burns calories, but you can’t build muscle unless you overload your body with heavy resistance.

In some cases, people overtrain in these areas, actually causing catabolism or muscle wasting, destroying muscle rather than building it. When this happens, you’re stacking decks against yourself, making it more difficult to reach your fitness goals.

Losing the right kind of weight while maintaining valuable muscle mass is the formula for long-term weight loss and overall fitness.

So how do you do what you might be asking?

Here are some bullet points. If you need help or more information about these tasks, [email protected] Or visit to participate in a proven true program only once.

Build muscle by

• Conducting weightlifting and HIIT training. High-intensity interval training is the best way to build muscle and burn fat, as it overloads your body with heavy resistance while keeping your heart rate high. Providence Fit Body Boot Camp is the best business to create this type of training program.

• Eat enough high quality protein. You can’t build a house without raw materials, and you can’t build muscle without high-quality protein. Don’t waste calories on processed foods that contain empty calories. Shooting at 0.75 to 1 gram per pound of body weight will make you feel better.

• Hydration. Your muscles love water and grow and work 100% well with continued hydration. For proper hydration, take 1 ounce of water daily per pound of body weight.

• Rest and get enough sleep. Make sure you get enough quality z per night to support muscle repair and growth, as your body is rebuilt and nutrients are utilized during sleep.

Burn fat by

• Create that calorie deficit. To burn a pound of body fat, you need a shortage of 3500 calories each week. Therefore, make sure you are not eating more than you are burning. Yes, even if all foods are healthy, you will not lose weight if you eat more than you burn.

• Limit high glycemic foods that are high in sugar. Eating sugar and processed foods causes an unfavorable insulin reaction in the body. When your hormones are confused, you go into battle or escape and your body’s defenses store fat.

• Similar to building muscle, HIIT training is the best way to maintain muscle while burning unwanted body fat.

• Increase the frequency of meals. If you burn the right amount of calories in 4-5 meals daily, your body burns calories faster and stays satisfied throughout the day, reducing the chance of binge eating.

Many people want to lose weight before going to the gym, but in my opinion it’s negative.

Building muscle makes it easier to lose weight by increasing your BMR and burning calories faster.

Because In Body is used to capture client data, you can prescribe personalized plans and create accurate key nutrient breakdowns when creating nutritional plans.

The other day, I was just guessing. Fortunately, I have over 25 years of trial and error experience and have a good track record of helping people dial nutritional requirements, but now I have accurate data and you’ve lost I know exactly what kind of weight I have.

I hope you found this article useful. I love feedback so please let me know if you receive value from all of this. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

That is our mission Providence Fit Body Boot Camp Contact us to make a better difference in your life and if you need help in this area. We are honored to be able to help you in the best possible way.

Matt coach

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