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Battersea Dogs and Cats Home is currently closed but continues to support animals


Many organizations have been seriously affected by the current blockade in Britain.

The measures in place are absolutely necessary to keep people as safe as possible, to support our amazing NHS, and hopefully to overcome the coronavirus as soon as possible and not destroy life.

Understand the current need for action, while recognizing how difficult it is for businesses, charities and other initiatives to continue to rely on the physical presence of people.

This category includes Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, which has been rescuing and reforming animals since XXXX. Usually, we tend to rescue an average of 7 animals each day.

But to keep staff and the public safe, Battersea had to close all three centers during the blockade.

In addition to the main center in Battersea in southern London, we also have centers in Brands Hatch in Kent and Windsor in Berkshire. All three closed their doors for the time being.

Of course, charitable groups will remain open, if possible, but volunteers and the general public have sought help, and some good points have been revealed.

During this time, many volunteers have been focusing on raising animals
(Image: Battersea Dogs and Cats Home is currently closed, but continues to help protect animals)

Step up to support

The Battersea spokesperson said: “Since more than 200 animals are being cared for, our priority is to care for our animals and give them the necessary physical and mental stimuli.

“Battersea is fortunate to have a dedicated staff whose love and passion for animal welfare is endless, and some staff, including veterinarians and activists, received the care that all animals continued to need. I am working on a skeletal structure so that

Incredibly, a large number of dogs and cats were raised and locked during the week from March 16th to 22nd.

Battersea reported Over 150 animals found a loving home in a week as members of the public recognized the need for help

The numbers were more than double that of the same week of 2019.

“Nearly 100 animals are temporarily raised with our staff and volunteers,” the spokesperson added.

Over 150 animals were recruited in the week leading up to lockdown
(Image: Battersea Dog and Cat House)

Coronavirus advice for pet owners

Some people are worried about how to care for their pet during lockdown.

Fortunately Battersea shares comprehensive advice based on current evidence.

First of all, it is important to know that evidence that a pet is infected with coronavirus from humans is very rare. Both are cats and only two cases have been recorded in the world.

However, viruses can be transmitted from person to person on surfaces such as fur, collars, and toys.

If you are not considered a vulnerable person and neither you nor anyone in your household has symptoms, you can continue to interact with your pet normally.

You can take the dog included in the daily exercise once a day for a walk. Taking your dog for a walk can also help those who are shielded, but it requires observing social distance rules. Stay at a distance of 2 meters from everyone, including the owner when handing the dog over and others who may be visible when you are out.

Make sure to keep your hands clean as soon as you get home.

Only go to the vet in an emergency
(Image: Battersea Dog and Cat House)

Take your pet to the vet only in an emergency. When doing so, keep the rules of social distance.

If you are a vulnerable person, self-isolated, and no one can help you walk your dog, don’t panic. There are many ways to keep your dog happy and healthy, as described below. You can enjoy indoor exercise and activities. Please bring it out in front of your house regularly and go to the bathroom.

If you have or suspect you have a coronavirus, first Local health protection team You have a pet It’s a good idea if you can safely give pets to friends and family while you are in isolation.

If you have a pet with you, limit contact with your pet as a precaution and wash your hands before and after touching.

There is a very detailed guide to staying safe with your pet during this pandemic here.

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Caring for a locked-down pet

The center also provides online support to those who may have recently had a new dog, or to owners who simply have no idea how to entertain their dog.

From the challenge of activity feeders and swirling blankets to the challenge of finding food by sprinkling food.

“In order to entertain the animals currently on the premises, Battersea staff are devising resources that are available. Dogs and cats now enjoy regular storytelling with staff, indoor food games and search games. enjoying.

“If you’re at home with your dog, you can use the same technique to keep them entertained during self-isolation-details here.

If you want to support Battersea Dogs and Cats home during this difficult time, Donate here.

You can also complete the animal rehome form on the site. Battersea can continue the application as soon as it is reopened.

To see the latest coronavirus cases in your area, enter your zip code in this handy widget:

For the latest coronavirus advice and numbers, click here.

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