Hamilton reports 110 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, increasing shelter outbreaks to 25 cases-Hamilton
![Hamilton reports 110 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, increasing shelter outbreaks to 25 cases-Hamilton Hamilton reports 110 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, increasing shelter outbreaks to 25 cases-Hamilton](
Hamilton reported 110 new COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears 92 weekend cases on Saturday and 18 weekend cases on Sunday.
The city’s active incidents are currently increasing from 290 on Friday to 342 on Sunday.
Two more deaths were reported over the weekend, with the first death involving a person in his thirties. The other death was an individual in his 70s.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Hamilton currently has 278 deaths and 10,112 COVID-19 cases.
The city recorded two new outbreaks at two primary schools over the weekend, one related to day care.
The outbreak at Kathy Weaver Elementary School involves two people in the all-day early learning and childcare part run by the Hamilton Umbrella Family and Child Center.
St. Ancatholic Elementary School, near Barton Street East and Sherman Avenue North, currently has two staff members.
Outbreaks in the Salvation Army’s men’s homeless shelters on York Boulevard increased by more than 20 over the weekend and increased from 3 reported on Friday to 25 by Sunday.
As of Sunday, there are a total of 42 cases out of seven different outbreaks in the city shelter.
The city currently has 21 outbreaks, including a total of 228 cases and 22 deaths. Twenty of the deceased are associated with two elderly homes currently occurring, Meadows and Macassa Lodge.
As of Friday, the city received 26,738 COVID-19 vaccines. HHS fixed clinics have 17,314 people, and mobile clinics have nearly 9,424 people.
More than 16,000 health workers were shot and about 7,200 residents were dosed.
As part of a public health strategy, seniors over the age of 80 living in retirement homes and other apartments will then be vaccinated.
St. Joe’s West Campus 5 Hospital will be the location of the second fixed COVID-19 vaccination clinic in the city. The reservation-based clinic for vaccinated people will start on March 1st.
The clinic is capable of administering 2,000 vaccines per day. According to public health, the target date for vaccination for the general public is likely to be the fourth quarter of 2021.
Hamilton remains at state red control level COVID-19 Response Framework As of Sunday.
The Halton region reports 42 new COVID-19 cases, 1 death
The Halton region reported 42 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, 19 on Saturday and 23 on Sunday.
According to public health, active cases decreased by 36 in two days to 208 as of February 21.
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The area added another death over the weekend. This was the first outbreak at Georgetown Hospital, and there have been eight cases since the outbreak began on February 13.
Since the pandemic began, Halton has had 190 virus-related deaths and 9,223 cases of coronavirus.
No new outbreaks have been reported, and an outbreak was declared in a long-term care facility on Friday. The outbreak in Oakville’s Wyndham Manor lasted 27 days, with three cases between one staff member and two other home officials.
Halton currently has 22 outbreaks in the community, eight of which are related to LTCH or retirement homes.
Follow public health advice and make “appropriate decisions” after COVID-19 vaccination: experts
As of Friday, public health is administering 23,934 COVID-19 vaccines. As of February 21, the mobile team has given nearly 8,000 doses and the fixed clinic has given less than 16,000 doses.
Halton is at the state’s red control level COVID-19 Response Framework As of Sunday.
Niagara reported 41 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, with 3 outbreaks
Niagara reported 41 new cases of coronavirus over the weekend, 22 on Saturday and 19 on Sunday.
The number of active cases decreased by 14 over the two days, with 270 reported on Sunday.
There were no new virus-related deaths over the weekend — the total number of coronavirus-related deaths in the region remains 365.
Since the pandemic began, there have been 8,469 COVID-19 cases.
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Public health declared three outbreaks on Friday at two nursing homes (Fort Erie’s Maple Park Lodge and Extended Calle) and the Lookout Ridge Retirement Community.
In Niagara, there are a total of 17 outbreaks, including a surge in 11 health-related facilities, including 5 in St. Catharines and 2 in Niagara Falls.
Public health received an additional 111 COVID-19 vaccines on Sunday. As of February 21, the area has received nearly 9,000 doses.
Niagara is at the state’s gray blockade zone level COVID-19 Response Framework As of Sunday.
Haldimand-Norfolk reported eight new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, with more than 1,300 vaccinated
The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit reported eight new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, two on Saturday and six on Sunday.
Active cases increased from 7 to 20 from Friday.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, there have been a total of 1,402 coronavirus cases and 39 virus-related deaths in the region.
HNHU is currently addressing an outbreak of one coronavirus outbreak at a Grandview Lodge long-term care facility.
The outbreak at a long-term care facility in Delhi was declared Friday. The house had one incident in 16 days.
According to public health, 3,592 doses of the two approved COVID-19 vaccines were given, and approximately 1,335 people completed the second vaccination.
Haldimand-Norfolk has moved to the state’s orange limit level COVID-19 Response Framework on Sunday.
Brant County reported 25 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend and more than 1,600 were vaccinated
The Brant County Health Unit reported 25 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, 19 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday.
The number of active cases increased by 20 cases in 2 days from 27 on Friday to 47 to 47.
Public health deals with 5 Coronavirus Three more outbreaks added over the weekend at three schools in Brantford.
James Hillier, North Park Collegiate, St. All Peter’s schools report three cases each among their students.
More than 6,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the region, and as of February 21, nearly 2,400 people have been vaccinated.
Since the pandemic broke out in March last year, the county has had 1,440 coronaviruses and 12 virus-related deaths.
This area is currently at the state’s orange limit level COVID-19 Response Framework As of Sunday.
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