Saskatchewan pharmacist added to Phase 2 of COVID-19 vaccine delivery plan
Saskatchewan pharmacist The state requires us to play an important role in the delivery. COVID-19 vaccine..
The Saskatchewan government announced on Monday that pharmacists will provide vaccines through local pharmacies. Phase 2 Of the state vaccination plan.
“Thanks to Saskatchewan pharmacists for their readiness to fortify and deliver the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Health Minister Paul Merriman.
“The Saskatchewan Government COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccines are safely delivered to the arms of Saskatchewan residents by all means. “
Details of the plan are currently under development, including regional pharmacies participating in the largest mass vaccination campaign in Saskatchewan history.
George Furneaux, Chairman of the Saskatchewan Pharmacy Association (PAS), said:
Consistent supply of vaccines, Scott Moe advocating information from the federal government
The news arrives on the same day that the Saskatchewan Department of Health and PAS negotiated a one-year provisional pharmacy owner contract starting March 1.
The details of the contract are as follows.
- The maximum expert (dispensing) fee has been adjusted from $ 11.60 to $ 11.85 per prescription by 25 cents. This is the first price increase since 2018. This change recognizes the increasing complexity and cost associated with safe medications and distributions that pharmacists face every day.
- Recognizing the current exceptional situation, a $ 20 COVID vaccine management fee will be implemented for the duration of the contract. This reward recognizes both the growing role of pharmacists in primary health care and the sector’s significant and sustainable investment in adapting work to ensure safe patient care as the pandemic enters its second year. I am.
- Influenza management costs for the 2020-2021 flu season will increase retroactively to $ 2 ($ 15) and will increase to $ 14 (starting at $ 13) for each influenza vaccination in the next flu season.
- To give patients access to medicines in the event of drug shortages, the contract includes therapeutic drug substitutions that include more support tools, including rewards, for pharmacists to use in exceptional situations such as drug shortages. It also includes program enhancements.
“The new agreement recognizes the growing role of the pharmacy sector in promoting effective primary health care in Saskatchewan, furthering the long-standing commitment to the state’s connected care strategy. “Furneaux said.
“In the early months of the pandemic, pharmacists actively stepped up and invested in changing operations to safely serve patients near their homes.
“It is encouraging to confirm that this agreement, in collaboration with healthcare colleagues, recognizes both contributions and commitments to patient care.”
For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine delivery strategy, please see: Saskatchewan website.
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