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Bloomfield transitions to less restrictive level blue with the state COVID-19 dial – Bloomfield Enterprises


Less than a month after moving to Level Yellow, coronavirus restrictions have been relaxed again in Bloomfield City and the county as case indicators continue to decline.

Level blue, second of 6 levels Color-coded dialLarger occupancy limits are usually possible for most businesses.

As of Monday, businesses and facilities can operate with 50% capacity or facility-specific occupancy limits, whichever is less. In the following locations, occupancy limits have been increased under Level Blue.

  • Currently, the restaurant can function indoors with 175 people or with a capacity of 50%, whichever is less.
  • Large venues can accommodate up to 225 people using the state calculator.
  • There is no limit to the capacity of an outdoor restaurant as long as 6 feet are kept between parties.
  • The last call moved from 11pm to midnight.
  • Indoor events can be run with 175 people per room or 50% capacity, whichever is less.
  • Up to 225 people at the seating event calculator.
  • Outdoor events can be run with a capacity of up to 250 people or 50%.
  • The gym can run with up to 175 people or 50% capacity per room, whichever is less.
  • Insignificant manufacturing can be performed by 175 people or 50% capacity, whichever is less.
  • Retail and office-based businesses can run at 50% capacity with no caps on the number of people.

At Level Blue, personal gatherings are limited to 10 people in 2 households or less. According to the latest information from the community, organized sports can be run by groups of up to 50 players per activity.

“The transition to the relaxed level of this restriction on the state-wide COVID-19 dial is an ongoing community effort to practice 4W (wear masks, monitor distances, wash hands, wait for rallies). The result is. ”Read the latest information about the community from Bloomfield’s cities and counties. “This is a huge achievement by our community, and Bloomfield needs to stay” Level Blue: Careful “and continue to commit to these precautions to keep Bloomfield open. “

As of Monday night, the counties around Bloomfield (Boulder, Weld, Adams, and Jefferson counties) remain level yellow. State data shows.. A total of 28 counties are level blue across the state.

Bloomfield was formerly Level Yellow, but was moved after state authorities Updated dial framework The first week of February.

Broomfield’s Back to Business program allows approved companies to operate at a level one level below the current limit level and does not allow approved companies to move to Level Green. State public health order.. At Level Green, capacity limits in most locations remain at 50% of capacity or up to 500 people, whichever is less.

Local building

  • The Bloomfield Library will continue to operate at 50% capacity and will remain active during risky hours.
  • The Bloomfield Depot Museum and the Bloomfield Veterans Memorial Museum will continue to operate at 50% capacity.
  • The Bloomfield Auditorium maintains 50% capacity for face-to-face shows and continues to use livestreaming capacity.
  • According to the latest information from the Broomfield Community, the Paul Derda Recreation Center and the Broomfield Community Center will operate at Level Blue.

This story is subject to update.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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