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Tuesday COVID-19 Coverage: CPS 14-day case rate reports 13 active student cases. | COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears


As COVID-19 continues to spread, KOMU8 will continue to update you about its impact on the community.

The following is a stratified bar / line graph containing the daily changes in newly identified cases of COVID-19 reported in each county and the 14-day moving average of changes in new cases. Available here..

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Updates for Tuesday, February 23, are available at:

5:45 pm: CPS 14-day case rate reports 13 active student cases.

The 14-day case rate per 10,000 students in Columbia Public School is 19.1.

Updated CPS Student Tracker Show 122 With students in the area currently being quarantined 13 Active student case.

To classify student cases:

  • Elementary school: 68 quarantine schools, 7 positive cases, 11 out of 21 affected schools

  • Middle school: 27 quarantine schools, 3 positive cases, 5 out of 7 affected schools

  • High School: 23 quarantined schools, 2 positive cases, 3 out of 4 affected schools

  • Others: Quarantine 4 cases, positive 1 case

I saw the district 2,463 With the case of an isolated student 587 Positive student cases since June 2020.

You will also see the updated CPS staff tracker 17 With staff currently in quarantine 8 Active staff case. Due to the EFMLA method, 3 staff members are absent.

5:35 pm: Callaway county reports 17 new cases

Callaway County has added 17 cases in the last 24 hours, marking a total of 89 active cases as of Wednesday. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been a total of 3,844 cases in Callaway County.

According to the Callaway County COVID-19 dashboard, there are 27 more cases at Callaway County Corrections Bureau and 2 cases at Fulton State Hospital.

A total of 40 people have died in the county since the pandemic began.

according to Missouri Vaccine DashboardAn estimated 11.9% of 44,743 residents of Callaway County have been vaccinated at least once.

  • Total dose of vaccine 7,784

  • 5,307 residents received the first dose

  • 2,465 inhabitants receive both doses

  • 669 doses have been given in the last 7 days

The average 14-day rolling case in the county is 10.00, according to data from the New York Times, two days behind.

5:30 pm: Cole County adds two new positive cases

The Cole County Health Department now displays the total number of positive cases by day. This reflects the date the sample was collected, not the date the Health Department received the results.

This change delays the reporting of the total for the day. The county also stopped reporting active or isolated cases.

There are 7,616 cases in Cole County, an increase of 2 in 24 hours. There are 270 cases in the long-term care facility.

Seven new positive cases were reported on Wednesday. In the updated graph below, you can see the number of cases added for each sample collection date in February so far.

Screenshot 2021-02-23 at 6.28.17 PM.png

59 people have died in Cole County and 52 have died in the care facility due to COVID-19.

according to Missouri Vaccine DashboardAn estimated 14.4% of the 76,745 residents of Cole County have been vaccinated at least once.

  • Total dose of vaccine 17,190

  • 11,084 residents received the first dose

  • 6,097 inhabitants receive both doses

  • 2,074 doses have been given in the last 7 days

The average 14-day rolling case in the county is 11.50, according to data from the New York Times, two days behind.

4:54 pm: Boone County reports 28 new cases, 13.7% vaccination rate

The Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Department has reported 28 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of active cases to 151.

according to Missouri Vaccine DashboardAn estimated 13.7% of the 180,463 residents of Boone County have been vaccinated at least once.

  • Total dose of vaccine 39,204
  • 24,766 residents received initial dose
  • 14,383 inhabitants receive both doses
  • 5,387 doses in the last 7 days

The county also reported 34 hospitalizations, eight of which are residents of Boone County. Currently, the ICU has 12 COVID-19 patients and the ventilator has 6 patients.

The hospital status is currently green.

Boone Hospital Status

Each hospital in Boone County provides a daily report in either a green, yellow, or red condition.

The average 14-day rolling case in the county is 24.36, according to data from the New York Times, two days behind.

12:00 pm: MU Healthcare will stop drive-through test time on Saturday

MU Health Care says it will close its drive-through test center on Saturday. It is said that the sales volume at the test center will decrease.

The drive-through test center is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.

10am: St Mary’s Hospital-Audrain Closes Drive-Through Test Site

Mexico’s SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital has said it will close its drive-through test site and take effect immediately.

In a news release, SSM states that it is accompanied by “persistent low-dose infections of COVID-19 and reduction of community infections.”

According to SSM, if you feel sick or have symptoms of COVID-19, contact your GP or 3626S in Mexico. You need to go to the SSM Health Walk In Clinic on Clark Street.

8:00 am: 5.5% of Missouri’s population is vaccinated with both

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has added 353 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of cases in Missouri is currently 475,791.

DHSS has reported 170 new deaths in the last 24 hours. This brings the total number of COVID-19-related deaths to 7,885 since the pandemic began.

The state associates deaths to the state with death certificates weekly. On February 22, DHSS analyzed and associated 175 COVID-19 deaths. Death happened the following month:

  • August: 1
  • September: 2
  • October: 3
  • November: 6
  • December: 21
  • January: 99
  • February: 43

DHSS begins reporting Vaccination data January 27th. The numbers are updated when the provider reports the data to the state.According to the dashboard, with state data CDC data It depends on the timing.

  • Total dose 1,046,575
  • 708,751 Missouri received at least one dose
  • 337,824 Missouri received a second dose
  • 11.5% of Missouri’s population receives at least one dose
  • 5.5% of Missouri’s population receives both doses

Hospitalization and bed capacity data are two days late. The state has a total of 1,127 hospitalizations, with a total remaining bed capacity of 35%.

In the last 7 days, there have been 2,883 positive cases of the virus. Currently, the average daily case is 412.

As of November 19, DHSS has moved to report only positive rates for the CDC method. As of February, more than 4.2 million Missourians have already been tested by PCR at least once. As a result, if it becomes negative again, it will not be counted in the latest 7-day status method positive rate.

Missouri currently has a 7-day positive rate of 6.4% under the CDC method.

World Health Organization (WHO) tests positive rate Less than 5% for at least 14 days.


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