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Dr. Nandy answers viewers’ questions about the COVID-19 vaccine


(WXYZ) — As more and more people are vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, new questions arise about its availability and safety.

You can watch a video of Dr. Nandy answering the above question.

After posting the question on the Facebook page, I asked Chief Health Editor Dr. Partha Nandi to submit the question.

Our first question came from Timothy Bottle, who wants to know if the vaccine does not block the acquisition or spread of the virus, why is it pushed so hard?

Dr. Nandy is not sure if people vaccinated with COVID-19 can spread it asymptomatically, but the COVID-19 vaccine accounts for 94% and 95% of serious illnesses. I told us it would work. As more people are vaccinated, hospitalization and mortality rates decrease.

There is also a question about how long the vaccine will remain active in our body, Superton Hallmark asks if the vaccine is like a flu shot, and we get it every year. Do you need to

Dr. Nandy said we were unaware that the vaccine would provide at least three months of protection from the virus. Scientists are doing research to get more information about how long the protection will last, so the numbers will continue to grow as we get more information, he says. However, he also states that it is likely that additional doses will need to be obtained in the future, which is not clear until the study is complete.

Some people have shown dangerous and potentially fatal reactions to the vaccine. Mike Andersen wanted to know the numbers. How many people have died or suffered permanent damage after being vaccinated?

In answering this question, Dr. Nandy advises people to look at their sources. He says more than 52 million Americans have been vaccinated so far. He states that more than 900 vaccinated people have died, and those deaths are due to other causes, but nothing specifically related to the vaccine.

Some people are asking if it is safe for people with existing conditions to be vaccinated. RhondaPattersonStanley specifically asks about COPD and emphysema.

Dr. Nandy says that these diseases are at high risk of becoming a serious illness with COVID-19. He adds that these vaccines can be used to get vaccinated as long as there is no problem with the immune system and there is no allergic reaction to the vaccine or anything in it. However, if you are worried, talk to your doctor before getting vaccinated.

Additional Coronavirus Information and Resources:

display Global Coronavirus Tracker With data from Johns Hopkins University.

See our full coverage Coronavirus continuous coverage page.

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