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COVID-19 causes mother and daughter to die several hours away


Key Point

  • Mother 86 years old and daughter 54 years old
  • Both were infected with coronavirus and admitted to another hospital
  • Mother and daughter died in COVID-19 only a few hours apart

According to a Los Angeles Times report, 86-year-old Carolina Tober and 54-year-old daughter Retira Ramirez died of COVID-19 at two hospitals in southern California. Their family told the Los Angeles Times that the two women were inseparable for life. We often spend time together when cooking and watching movies.

Always for each other

Tovar and Ramirez were considered to be twin patriarchs by their families. Families often saw them in the kitchen where they stood side by side and tried the recipes their children would enjoy. At night, they watched some of Mexico’s most iconic films, especially those featuring Vicente Fernandez. Inseparable mother and daughter die a few hours away from coronavirus Inseparable mother and daughter die a few hours away from coronavirus Photo: sabinevanerp-Pixabay

As Tovar grows older, Ramirez has become her most trusted and trusted caregiver. Her daughter was taken to the hospital for dialysis. The family says they have never seen Tovar near Ramirez.

Breathing difficulty

In March, both women experienced dyspnea. Their family took them to the emergency room, and this time they never left the hospital together as usual. On April 3, both mother and daughter died of a coronavirus infection in another hospital several hours away.

A week before being hospitalized, the two women spent the night together as usual. Ramirez experienced a dry cough, which usually occurs in the morning, but she didn’t find it bothersome. She continued her work as a mortgage broker.

Low oxygen levels

On March 19, Ramirez’s cough worsened and he was already dyspnea. When her oxygen levels fell, her daughter Alexis decided to take her to the hospital. Due to the hospital’s isolation policy, Alexis had no choice but to drop her mother into the emergency area of ​​the St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton.

On the other hand, Tovar, who seems to be in good health, soon became ill. She was taken to the same hospital only a few days after Ramirez. That weekend, Reti Ramirez’s husband also experienced the symptoms of COVID-19 and was taken to the hospital. After that, every day, the family updated each other through FaceTime about the status of Tovar and Ramirez. Tovar had been hospitalized several times and was constantly recovering, so they were very much looking forward to it. Ramirez, on the other hand, was young and very healthy. A mother and daughter who are inseparable die only a few hours apart and die of coronavirus 02 Inseparable mother and daughter die a few hours away from coronavirus Photo: silviarita-Pixabay

Last breath

At first Ramirez could talk to Alexis by phone and seemed to recover when he told him to go home in a few days. A few hours after the call, Ramirez was fitted with a ventilator and taken to Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica. The doctor told his family that Ramirez had diabetes, renal failure and suffered from asthma. Her daughter, Alexis, told the Los Angeles Times that she would encourage her mother through a FaceTime call. “I just told her, ‘Mom, keep fighting. I still need you here. We want you to go home,” Alexis said.

The doctors, who returned to the St. Jude Medical Center, told their families they needed to wear Tovar on the ventilator. After that, one of the daughters managed to enter the hospital room, and called the gathered family with FaceTime. Tovar said he didn’t want to wear a ventilator and agreed that the whole family would respect her wishes.

They spent all night with Tovar through FaceTime, and were all there, except Totty, who was also hospitalized, because Tovar exhaled her last breath. Alexis, Retty’s daughter, said her grandmother was ready and the rest of the family prepared themselves. “We don’t have to fight anymore, because we’re still talking to her and telling us we love her, and we’ll be fine,” she said.

Death is an unbreakable bond

The family was barely recovering from Tober’s death that night when Alexis received a call from a doctor at Providence St. John’s Health Center. The doctor said Letty hadn’t improved and his toes were blackened. After pondering and discussing with her family, Alexis decided to remove her mother from the ventilator. She died within 9 minutes of being taken off the machine.

Letti Ramirez didn’t know that her favorite mother, Carolina Tober, had already died a few hours ago. After all, even death could not separate them. Art Aguilar, Ramirez’s nephew and Tovar’s grandson, said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that he did everything together in his life. “How ironic it was that you couldn’t separate these two women in life and did so that their fate didn’t have to separate after death,” Aguilar said .


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