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COVID-19 patients often need a dialysis machine along with a ventilator. Coronavirus


Hundreds of patients in Metro Detroit hospitals rely on life-saving dialysis machines after kidney damage in a fight with the COVID-19 virus.

Doctors know that viruses attack the respiratory system of infected patients. However, they have learned that when the immune system reacts positively, other organs are also damaged.

In some patients, the infection causes a powerful reaction called the “cytokine storm,” which shifts the immune system into overdrive, attacking healthy cells and organs as well as viruses. This is one of the reasons why some COVID-19 patients require intensive care.

According to the Washington PostA task to help dialysis patients with COVID, saying that nearly half of the people hospitalized with COVID-19 point out that their kidneys are prematurely damaged because their urine contains blood or proteins. Jointly lead the Force 19.

This is a national trend occurring in southeastern Michigan.

Dr. Paul Kellerman, who is responsible for acute dialysis at Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital, said that about 30% of Beaumont’s coronavirus patients reaching the ventilator also had intermittent or continuous dialysis treatment for the most stable patients. I have received it. Slow, 24-hour dialysis.

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Clinicians in Beaumont see that lowering blood pressure can shock patients with coronavirus, damaging the kidneys and affecting their function. The kidneys help balance the body with electrolytes and fluids, he said.

“Patients have many acute renal injuries because there is some evidence of direct virulence of the kidneys (using this virus),” he said. “Patients with renal impairment are on dialysis, but don’t need a ventilator. In most cases, the ventilator and dialysis machine work together when things get worse.”

About two weeks ago, Beaumont saw a surge in COVID-19 patients and the need for dialysis equipment. At that time, the health system had tripled the number of patients undergoing dialysis compared to normal levels. According to Kellerman, Beaumont has purchased and rented an additional dialysis machine because of the expected increase in infected patients.

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As of Friday, Beaumont was treating approximately 800 COVID-19 patients. The highest price on April 7 is 1,101. The Henry Ford system reported about 590 COVID-19 patients.

He said they were close to sharing a dialysis machine, scheduling one patient for 10 hours and another for 10 hours.

“The demand was very high,” he said. “But we didn’t have to do that.”

According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human ServicesMore than 3,600 COVID-19 patients are treated statewide, of which about 1,400 are in the ICU. About 80% of ICU patients use ventilators.

The Henry Ford Health System also believes that there is also a sufficient and sufficient supply of staff and equipment to treat COVID-19 patients who address the most serious complications including renal failure due to the immune system acting on overdrive. I am reporting.

David Shepherd, President and CEO of Community Care Services at Henry Ford Health, said the healthcare system is one of the largest providers of renal replacement therapy in Michigan.

“We are well prepared and are well prepared to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis,” he said. “We continue to provide each patient with special care, with the dedicated staff, equipment, and other resources needed to meet the growing needs of this emerging challenge.”

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