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The company uses artificial mosquitoes to prevent illness | Health

The company uses artificial mosquitoes to prevent illness | Health


The number of serious infections transmitted by insects such as mites, fleas and mosquitoes is staggering. These are called vector infections and are the cause of serious human distress and financial turmoil.

Mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of many viral diseases, including Zika fever, malaria, West Nile virus, and Eastern equine encephalitis virus. For most of these illnesses, there are no effective treatments or vaccines to treat the sick.

One approach to controlling these diseases is to use broad-spectrum pesticides to eliminate or reduce arthropod or insect vector populations. These pesticides can cause health problems in humans, and vectors can become resistant to these chemicals. New strategies have emerged, including genetically modifying mosquitoes to destroy their fertility. This limits the number of mosquitoes and reduces the chance of spreading the disease.

This year, 750 million genetically modified Aedes aegypti will be released at the Florida Keys. Aedes aegypti is a notorious mosquito known for spreading several deadly diseases such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya.

Mosquitoes breed in small, pooled water sources in urban areas, like discarded tires. The population is resistant to common pesticides and spreads dengue fever in Keys. Female mosquitoes need to eat blood for their eggs to mature, and when they bite a human to get blood, they spread the virus.

Oxitec, a US-owned company, is a leader in genetic manipulation of mosquitoes and other vectors. Genetically modified organisms that lead to mosquito control are described as “self-limiting,” meaning that mosquitoes cannot reproduce.

They modify two genes in male mosquitoes that prevent offspring from growing into insects that bite adult females. When a modified male mosquito mates with a natural female mosquito in the environment, the stinging mosquito population is reduced.

This technology has been tested in field trials since 2009. At Grand Cayman, over 3 million modified male mosquitoes were released into the environment. Almost three months later, the number of mosquitoes decreased by 80%.

Another study conducted in 2011 showed that mosquito eggs were reduced by almost 90%. Field trials in Brazil also gave positive results, reducing mosquito populations by 80 to 95 percent.

However, the company has been criticized for exaggerating the outcome of the trial. Field trials of 750 million mosquitoes in Florida have been reviewed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, and the local health department.

As with many issues with GM plants and animals, there were some public concerns about the release of these insects. One organization questioned the wisdom of this “Jurassic Park” experiment, but the technology is well-established and appears to be environmentally safe.

The World Health Organization encourages the use of technology to control the Zika virus. Such new technologies can involve people before they are widely accepted. Overall, this is a valuable way to control some of the most deadly diseases on the planet and reduce human suffering.

Medical Discovery News Hosted by a professor Norbert Herzog At Quinnipiac University, and David drizzle Of the University of Texas School of Medicine. For more information


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