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Abolished the outboard disinfection surface during COVID

Abolished the outboard disinfection surface during COVID


Since so much has happened in the past year, it is permissible to have no clear memory of some of the first major concerns of the pandemic.

However, looking back at the beginning of the pandemic, one of the major concerns was the role played by the surface in the transmission of the virus.

As an epidemiologist, I remember spending countless hours answering media requests to answer the question of whether to wash the outside of food cans or disinfect mail.

I also remember seeing a team of people wiping poles and cleaning public benches constantly walking down the street.

But what is the evidence actually What do you say about a surface infection to this pandemic for more than 12 months?

Before addressing this, we need to define the question we are asking. The key question is almost certainly not whether surface penetration is possible, or whether it can occur in the real world.

The real question is what is the role of surface contact in viral infections. So, in contrast to other infection methods, how likely is it to catch COVID through the surface?

There is little evidence that surface infections are a common way for coronaviruses to spread. The main way it spreads is by air, either by large droplets due to close contact or by small droplets called aerosols. By the way, the relative role these two pathways play in communication is probably a much more interesting and important question to clarify from a public health perspective.

One of the best commentary on COVID surface infections Published in the journal Lancet infection By Emmanuel Goldman, a professor of microbiology in the United States, July 2020.

As he explained, one of the driving forces behind the exaggerated perception of the risk of surface infections is number Examples of studies showing that SARS-CoV-2 virus particles can be detected on various surfaces for extended periods of time.

You’ve probably seen these studies because they have received a lot of publicity around the world. I remember doing a lot of interviews where I had to explain what these findings really mean.

As explained at the time, these studies could not be generalized to the real world, and in some cases the accompanying media releases tended to exaggerate the importance of these findings.

The important problem is that, as a general rule, the time required for a microbial population to die is directly proportional to the size of that population. This means that the more virus that deposits on a surface, the longer viable virus particles will be found on that surface.

Therefore, from the perspective of design of experiments related to public health, one of the most important variables in these studies is amount The amount of virus deposited on the surface — and about as much as this happens in the real world.

With this understanding, many of these virus survival studies detect viable viruses by depositing large numbers of viruses on surfaces that far exceed what is reasonably expected to be found in the real world. It becomes clear that you are accumulating the possibilities of doing so. In addition, some of these studies have customized conditions that extend the life of virus particles, such as adjusting humidity and eliminating natural light.


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