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The number of cases of COVID-19 will be alleviated, but SC is still a hotspot | COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit

The number of cases of COVID-19 will be alleviated, but SC is still a hotspot | COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit
The number of cases of COVID-19 will be alleviated, but SC is still a hotspot | COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit


The number of COVID-19 cases is declining across Greenwood and South Carolina, but state health officials warn that the calm after a surge in cases is often followed by another surge. ..

January was the most deadly month in South Carolina with COVID-19 cases. People who gathered with family and friends during the holidays gathered in the public urge to avoid doing so. But now, even as the number of cases begins to ease, health data shows South Carolina as one of the country’s hotspots.

According to an analysis by the New York Times, seven cities in South Carolina are currently among the top 20 cities in the United States in terms of average daily cases over the past two weeks. Greenwood ranked 19th earlier this week, but has since been off the list.

At a media briefing on Wednesday, state epidemiologist Dr. Lindabel said in retrospect of the previous surge in cases, each post-vacation surge would eventually lead to a decline in cases. However, people saw the number of cases decrease, relaxed vigilance, ignored precautions, and led to another surge. Bell said he was wary of people repeating this mistake as the post-Christmas and New Year surges subsided.

“I think people were paying more attention to it when the incidence of the disease was high,” she said. “Changing these behaviors reduces the number of cases.”

According to Bell, there are several factors that contribute to the decline in the number of cases. It is very unlikely that someone will be re-infected for about 90 days after infection, making it difficult for the virus to circulate in a community with a large number of recent positive cases. She also said she hopes that some of it may be due to mask wearing and social distance. This was partly helped by the cold, rainy weather that prevented many from going to high-risk events and rallies.

With the advent of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and others, DHEC Senior Adjutant for Public Health Nick Davidson said he would offer a single dose option that does not require cryopreservation like the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. He said the DHEC is trying to use the vaccine as widely as possible because there are areas in the state where the vaccine is easier to transport and store.

This week’s vaccine allocation is higher than last week, and Davidson said next week’s vaccine is expected to be given to the state more than 100,000 times a week.

“I’m convinced that vaccination is the fastest way to regain our country (and certainly Greenwood),” Mayor Brandon Smith said in an email statement. .. “… Of course, if demand continues to outpace supply, this is all an issue. But based on reports, we need to be optimistic that supply of all relevant vaccines will increase dramatically in the near future. there is.”

Smith praised the community leaders and DHEC’s efforts to continue vaccination efforts in Greenwood, but said that in the end, at some point there was no choice but to fully resume.

Until then, DHEC has been working to make vaccinations available to those who are currently vaccinated. From March 1st to 3rd, DHEC will offer COVID-19 vaccination at the Greenwood Farmers Market on 1610SC Highway 72/221. Staff can vaccinate 50 people a day for the first time, and 132 people who wish to get a second vaccination will be vaccinated at the Greenwood Boys and Girls Club on March 4.

South Carolina is in Phase 1A and vaccines are limited to testing healthcare professionals, people over the age of 65, residents and staff of extended care facilities, and COVID vaccines or mission-critical government personnel.

To get vaccinated, people need to make an appointment. You can do so online, For vaccine providers, please visit: call 1-866-365-8110.

The Self-Regional Medical Center is working to host more outreach vaccination events, including scheduled March clinics in Saluda and Edgefield counties, although dates have not yet been finalized. .. To sign up for the vaccine through Self, request an appointment online. Or call 864-725-3555.

Contact staff writer Damian Dominguez (864-634-7548) or follow us on Twitter @ IJDDOMINGUEZ.


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