Wellness Inside and Out: National Eating Disorders Awareness Month | Tri-County Sunday
Eating disorders are serious conditions associated with persistent eating behavior that adversely affect the ability to function in areas of health, emotion, and life. There is rarely a brief explanation for eating disorders. Rather, it is often a very complex problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, including family and cultural pressures, chronic stress, and heredity.
We aim to understand this topic at the end of February and at the end of National Eating Disorders Month. Some basic facts about eating disorders are that teenage girls and young women are more likely to suffer from anorexia or bulimia than teenage boys and young men, but men also eat. You may have an eating disorder. Eating disorders can occur in a wide range of age groups, but most often occur in the teens and early twenties. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, which are characterized by abnormal eating habits. Some of the more common types of disability are:
Bulimia: People with bulimia feel that they eat too much on a regular basis and lose control of their diet. Even when you’re not hungry, you may eat quickly, eat more than you intended, or continue to eat after you’re uncomfortable and full.
Anorexia nervosa: Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by low weight, food restrictions, fear of weight gain, and a strong desire to lose weight. Many people with anorexia nervosa consider themselves overweight, even though they are actually underweight. They often deny that they have problems with underweight, often weigh, eat small amounts, and usually eat only certain foods. Some people exercise excessively, vomit, and use laxatives to lose weight. Complications can include, among other things, osteoporosis, infertility, or heart damage.
Bulimia nervosa: People with bulimia have episodes of bing and purging, including feeling a lack of control over eating. Many people with bulimia restrict their diet during the day, resulting in an increase in bulimia and bulimia. They usually eat large amounts of food in a short amount of time and then try to get rid of excess calories in unhealthy ways, such as excessive exercise and laxative use. People with bulimia may have normal weight or a little overweight. They are very crazy about their weight and shape.
How do family members, teachers, or individuals themselves become aware that they have an eating disorder? Some of the behavioral symptoms to watch out for are:
- Feeling overweight despite weight loss and underweight.
- Sudden interest in weight loss diets and special diets.
- Excessive / compulsive exercise.
- overeating.
- Self-induced vomiting.
- Abuse of laxatives, diuretics, and / or diet pills.
- Self-induced vomiting.
Certain factors, such as the following, can increase your risk of developing an eating disorder:
- The data suggest that eating disorders are very likely to occur in people who have parents or siblings who have an eating disorder.
- People with eating disorders often have a history of anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Diet is a risk factor for developing eating disorders. Starvation affects the brain, affecting mood changes, thought stiffness, anxiety, and loss of appetite.
- .. Life stresses such as going to college, moving, landing on a new job, and family and relationship problems can lead to stresses that can increase the risk of eating disorders.
For those who suffer from eating disorders and need help, it is important to find the program that best suits their needs. Geril Goss, MS, RDN, LDN, CDCES, Director of the Pen Highlands Diabetes Nutrition Wellness Center, and Deloris Gibson, Pen Highlands Healthcare Diabetes Educators, have an interdisciplinary team approach that probably includes doctors, registered nutritionists and nutritionists. Advises that should be included, psychologists / therapists and psychiatrists. In this way, you can develop an effective treatment plan that includes a combination of psychotherapy modalities, nutritional education, personalized dietary planning, and family therapy.
Both Gibson and Goss agree that it is important for individuals to meet a nutritionist who can provide valuable information and accountability. Nutritional counseling usually includes education on the various nutrients and how the body uses them, as well as information on the amount of food that a person of a particular size, age, and gender needs to eat for good health. I will. Dietitians can also provide education on how metabolism works and how to recognize the physical cues of hunger and satiety. “Nutritionists start with the patient at the shallow end of the water, but never jump into the deep end alone,” Goss explains. You are encouraged to eat small frequent meals and choose nutritious foods that are high in fiber.
Goss and Gibson agree that recovery is no longer thinking Does this food make me fat? Or always feel shameful or guilty about certain foods. “Food is fuel,” says Goss. As individuals learn about a healthy diet, they come to understand food as a source of nutrition and joy.
Insights on eating disorders can provide many of us with reminders of a healthy diet. Depending on the type of disability you are dealing with, you may benefit from following these tips:
- If you feel hungry, eat. Hunger, growl, irritability, and headaches are signs that it took too long to feed.
- Eat until you are full.
- Do not eat in isolation or alone
- Expect 20 to 30 minutes from the time you start eating for a signal to reach your brain that your body has enough food.
- Eat meals and snacks every 3-4 hours.
- Eat foods that are high in protein and that contain fats and complex carbohydrates.
- We will gradually increase the types of foods and food groups that we consume every day.
- Understand that returning to your ideal weight is an important factor in your recovery from anorexia nervosa.
For more information on the support we provide for nutrition and emotional and psychological needs,
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