WHO: There is no evidence that antibodies immunize COVID-19 survivors
The World Health Organization warned that there is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from coronavirus and have antibodies in their plasma are immune to the deadly virus. This is because once a person is sick, they are re-infected with the virus.
WHO may be less helpful in identifying immunity, as serological tests for the presence of antibodies in plasma lack evidence that humans can build immunity to prevent reinfection with COVID-19. I warned that there is.
Dr. Maria Wankerhof at a Friday press conference in Geneva The above“There are many countries that have proposed using rapid diagnostic serology to catch what appears to be an indicator of immunodiagnosis. Currently, the use of serology indicates individuals. There is no evidence that it is possible. Immune or protected from reinfection. “
“These antibody tests could measure that level of antibody retention-but that doesn’t mean that someone with an antibody means they are immune.”
“Using these tests, the levels of antibodies are measured,” said Fankelhof. “It’s a reaction that the body has one or two weeks after they get this virus.”
Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO’s Emergency Program, said “no one knows” that humans with coronavirus antibodies could be reinfected.
“No one knows if a person with antibodies is fully protected from getting sick or re-exposed.” Ryan The above on Monday. “In addition, some tests have sensitivity issues. They may give false negative results.”
“When it comes to recovery and subsequent reinfection, we believe there is no answer, it’s an unknown,” Ryan said. “A person who mounts a serious immune response with a detectable antibody would expect to need protection for a period of time. I don’t know what that period is.”
Van Kerkhove referred to a preliminary study of plasma in 175 Shanghai patients recovered from coronavirus.
“As a result, some individuals had strong antibody responses,” van Kerhove said. “Whether the antibody response really means immunity is another matter. What we really need to understand is what the antibody response looks like in terms of immunity.”
of Center for Disease Control and Prevention We have developed a plan to carry out serological tests in “more areas with large numbers of people diagnosed with infectious diseases”. However, the CDC also warned, “Serologic test results have limitations that make them less than an ideal tool for diagnosing sick people.” “It usually takes a week or two for the body to make antibodies after someone gets sick with COVID-19. It may take longer for antibodies to develop.”
Public Health Professor John Newton, director of health improvement in England, said the public should not use unidentified antibody tests.
“Every day we break new ground with this work, and I am confident that this major research effort will make a quantum leap.” Newton said. “Until then, don’t buy or take untested tests. You may not be confident in your intended use. You may make a false reading and you, your family, etc. Could endanger you. ”
that’s all 582,000 Over 2.2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 have recovered worldwide.
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