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Three Healthcare Providers Participate in Utah’s COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Program Prior to Expected Increase in State Allocation


Salt Lake City — Utah Health Department officials announced on Monday that they are looking to three major healthcare providers to help expand. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccine rollouts will begin this week in the state, ahead of the surge in assigned vaccines.

Intermountain Healthcare, Nomi Health, and the University of Utah Health all support Utah vaccinations in agreement with the state. All three have already launched their operations on Monday and plan to expand their operations in the coming weeks before the weekly allocation of vaccines in the state is expected to more than double the previous week. Stated.

Utah Health Department spokesman Tom Fudachiko said: “They have relationships with many residents of the state who have underlying illnesses, so we rely on them to help them.”

Additional vaccine distribution

According to the State Department of Health, about 10% of the state’s total population has been vaccinated at least once. The partnership, announced on Monday, does not replace existing vaccine deployment sites as announced in the local health sector and various pharmacies in the state.

The announcement on Monday was made as the first dose of Johnson & Johnson Vaccine I was planning to arrive in Utah this week. The Utah Department of Health predicted that the first and second vaccine doses arriving this week would add up to 122,000, adding doses from the new pharmaceutical company.

Combined with the local health sector, Hudachko can vaccinate more than 120,000 people a week. This is a mix of people who are currently receiving the first or second dose of the vaccine. Weekly quotas are currently at their maximum.

More vaccinations are planned for this month, and state health leaders knew that vaccination services needed to be expanded.That’s why they sought help from their healthcare providers, especially because all three are likely to already be cared for. Utahns 16-65 years old with existing health status recently vaccinated..

“Once we exceeded the capacity of the local health sector to administer the vaccine, we always intended additional activation,” Hudachko said.

Officials from all three healthcare providers unveiled vaccination plans on Monday.

Intermountain Healthcare

Intermountain has announced seven places where vaccinated Utahn can schedule vaccination appointments. they are:

  • Logan Regional Hospital (500 E. 1400 North)
  • McKay-Dee Hospital (Ogden’s 4401 S. Harrison Boulevard)
  • Park City Hospital (900 Round Valley Drive)
  • Riverton Hospital (3741 W. 12600 South)
  • St. George Regional Medical Center (1380 E. Medical Center Drive)
  • Orthopedic Hospital (TOSH) (5848 S. 300 East in Murray)
  • Utah Valley Hospital (Provo 1034 N. 500 West)

Dr. Christine Duscomb, director of infection prevention for the health of Intermountain Healthcare employees, said all seven locations will offer Johnson & Johnson vaccines this week. Utah Valley Hospital also offers the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

“We aim to distribute as much as possible,” she said.

Anyone eligible for the vaccine can make an appointment by going to Intermountain website.. If you have any questions, please call 887-777-7061.

Nomi Health

Nomi Health is Larry H by hosting vaccination clinics at Megaplex Theaters throughout Utah. An agreement has been reached with the Miller Group.

The clinics in operation include the following Megaplex locations:

  • Lehi, Utah: 2935N.Thanksgiving way
  • Utah County Vineyards: 600 N. Mill Road
  • West Valley City, Salt Lake County: 3601 S. 2400 West
  • South Jordan, Salt Lake County: 3761W.Parkway Plaza Drive

Dr. June Steely, Medical Director of Nomi Health, said the organization will add more locations to the Center Building starting Thursday and will add more locations closer to Logan next week. New locations may be found later in locations in southern Utah.

“Some of the observation periods are in the theater itself, in the lobby and in the ballroom,” she said.

Noumi Health also has the ability to hold a “pop-up clinic” with the ability to distribute 250 vaccines per day that way, she said. These locations will be determined by agreement with the county health department.

Noumi is currently capable of vaccination with 2,000 utan per day or 12,000 utan weekly. According to Steely, the organization is working to increase that number in the coming weeks.

Utahns who qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine can register to get the vaccine from Nomi Health. Web page set by state.. Anyone who needs help to register online can call 801-704-5911, Stealy added.

Utah Health

The University of Utah can now vaccinate people in two places:

  • The University of Utah Hospital on the University Campus of Salt Lake City
  • 1525W in Salt Lake City. Redwood Health Center in 2100 South

According to Dr. Richard Orlandy, Chief Medical Officer of the University of Utah Outpatient Medicine, the organization will expand to Health Centers in Farmington and Sugar House in South Jordan next week.

He said the provider was given 2,340 this week. That number is expected to jump to 5,340 by next week, before distribution “continues to grow” in the coming weeks.

“I think many of us in this partnership have additional capabilities that go beyond what we are currently receiving,” he added. “It applies to the entire state. We’re running out of everything we’re getting as a state.”

Anyone who is eligible to receive the vaccine based on medical records should have received an invitation to make an appointment with their MyChart account. According to Orlandi, healthcare providers were trying to expand their invitations through email, text messages and phone calls.

“One-stop shop”

State officials said they were founded “One-stop shop” website Dedicated to all kinds of information about vaccines. A link to where Utahns who are eligible for the vaccine can sign up to receive it..

Thirteen local health departments and nine different retail pharmacies had already provided vaccinations before the three new partners announced on Monday. According to Hudachko, all partners can use a familiar system instead of making a unified plan that everyone must adopt.

“The lack of a single source can be confusing, but we believe that the efficiency gained by allowing these systems to use existing registration sites outweighs that.” He said.

Increased supply

The state learns what happens to their future allocations every Tuesday. According to Hudachko, the state health department said the prime moderna vaccine allocation would double next week as soon as both pharmaceutical companies increased supply, and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine allocation would “more than double”. I’m expecting it.

Hudachko explained that the state’s weekly vaccine allocation is based on the proportion of the adult population compared to other states in the country. The overall young population of Utah is why the state continues to receive fewer vaccines than elsewhere in the United States.

For example Monday’s NPR COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Utah was the ninth in the United States in terms of the percentage of vaccines used, but was listed 49th in the total vaccinated population. Vaccinations are higher in states with a large adult population.

“The federal government accounts for the state’s share of the total adult population of the United States and allocates vaccines to the state based on that,” Fudachiko said. “Utah has about 0.84% ​​of the total adult population in the United States, so Utah receives about 0.84% ​​available nationwide.”

The dose received will be distributed to the local health department in a similar manner. County with many adults receive more vaccinations. It is categorized on a smaller scale to determine the number of vaccines the provider will receive to administer.

Recent rises have little to do with the fact that the state has opened its eligibility to people in good health, resulting in an increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection.

“Pfizer and Moderna are really increasing production,” Fudachiko said.

This sudden rise prompted the need to expand vaccination services faster.

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