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Coronavirus: Latest development in the Greater Toronto Area on March 1st


This is the latest development Coronavirus A pandemic in the Greater Toronto Area on Monday.

Scarborough School Closed Due to Outbreaks Containing COVID-19 Variant

Scarborough School was closed due to an outbreak containing the COVID-19 variant of concern.

In a news release issued Monday night, Toronto health officials said the Don Wood Park Public School recommended dismissing staff and students due to an outbreak involving six people.

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Scarborough School Closed Due to Outbreaks Containing COVID-19 Variant

Porter Airlines of Toronto sets a new provisional reopening date for May 19th

Porter Airlines of Toronto has set a new tentative reopening date of May 19 again in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The airline suspended operations in March 2020 due to COVID-19, after which the reopening date was postponed several times. The final provisional date was March 29th.

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Coronavirus: Toronto’s Porter Airlines sets new provisional reopening date for May 19

Canada Post will suspend service to two more Toronto apartments after seeing residents not wearing masks

Canada Post says it has ceased service to two more apartments in Toronto after it was seen that residents were not wearing masks.

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Residents of 100 and 150 Graydon Hall near Don Mills Road and Highway 401 are the nearest post office 70 Wynford Dr, more than 6 km away from the building. You are asked to receive mail at.

A statement from Canada Post to Global News on Sunday said the reason was “safety concerns.”

“In areas of the building that delivery personnel must access to deliver mail, some individuals do not wear masks. This is a safety risk and advises building management. I did, “explained the statement.

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Canada Post will suspend service to two more Toronto apartments after seeing residents not wearing masks

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Canada Post will suspend service to two buildings in North York after seeing residents not wearing masks

Canada Post will suspend service to two buildings in North York after seeing residents not wearing masks

COVID-19 vaccination started for some Toronto police officers

Toronto began vaccination of some police against COVID-19 after the state identified police as a priority group.

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A military spokesman says frontline police police officers and sergeants have been identified as part of the first phase of Ontario’s vaccine deployment.

Connie Osborne says these police officers answer emergency calls that may require medical assistance.

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COVID-19 vaccination started for some Toronto police officers

Vaccine registration begins for residents of the Peel region over the age of 80

Residents of the Peel region over the age of 80 are eligible to register for the COVID-19 vaccine, according to local officials.

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“More than 50,000 initial COVID-19 vaccines have been given at Peel, and the expected increase in supply has helped support the addition of new groups to be vaccinated with COVID-19.” Said the news release.

However, officials warned that the current supply continues to limit the number of reservations available, but said additional slots will open in the coming weeks as more vaccines are received.

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Coronavirus: Vaccine registration begins for residents of the Peel region over the age of 80

The Peel region clarifies student quarantine policy in response to online backlash

After the cohort returned home, the Peel Community Public Health was in damage management mode after a fierce online backlash over policies regarding self-isolation of asymptomatic students.

Lack of clarity in leaflets sent home to parents suggests that children must be isolated from others in the family at home and angers online after being reported by Toronto Sun over the weekend Caused.

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Coronavirus: The Peel region clarified student quarantine policy following online backlash

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The Peel region recalls a leaflet suggesting a single self-isolation for children

The Peel region recalls a leaflet suggesting a single self-isolation for children

Ontario is considering postponing the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine to 4 months after the first dose

Ontario is considering the possibility of postponing a second dose of Pfizer and Modana’s COVID-19 vaccine to almost four months after a person receives the first injection.

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In a joint statement released Monday, Health Minister Christine Elliott and Under Secretary of Justice Sylvia Jones said, “Safely interval between first and second doses while maintaining a strong and lasting level of protection. From COVID-19, who said “more evidence” suggests that it can be extended to four months. “

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Ontario is considering postponing the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine to 4 months after the first dose

COVID-19 Busy Vaccine Reservation Site in Ontario Offers Shots to Oldest Elderly People

As some parts of Ontario have planned to vaccinate the general public, some older people in Ontario bravely faced the frigid temperatures on Monday and vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

With the state booking portal launched widely just two weeks away, some local public health departments have used their own systems to allow residents over the age of 80 to schedule bookings.

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COVID-19 Busy Vaccine Reservation Site in Ontario Offers Shots to Oldest Elderly People

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York area COVID-19 vaccine clinic is full

York area COVID-19 vaccine clinic is full

The COVID-19 pandemic spikes Ontario’s electricity usage when people are at home

Ask Ontario electricity According to new data, last year it fell to a level rarely seen in decades as pandemic measures changed usage patterns.

According to the state’s power management agency, it has declined despite people rushing up their home air conditioners in the hot summer.

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Overall, Ontario used 132.2 terawatt hours of electricity in 2020, down 2.9% from 2019.

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The COVID-19 pandemic spikes Ontario’s electricity usage when people are at home

GTA case status

Ontario reported a total of 1,023 new cases of coronavirus on Monday.

Of them:

  • 280 were in Toronto
  • 182 was in the Peel area
  • 47 were in the York area
  • 34 were in the Durham area
  • 39 were in the Halton area

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Coronavirus: Peel region clarifies student quarantine policy

Coronavirus: Peel region clarifies student quarantine policy

Ontario reports more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases and 6 more deaths

Ontario reported 1,023 new cases of coronavirus on Monday, bringing the state to a total of 301,839.

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The state’s death toll increased to 6,986 as six more virus-related deaths were reported. This is the lowest increase in deaths in a single day since the end of October.

The number of resolved cases increased by 939 from the previous day.The government said 35,015 tests have been processed in the last 24 hours

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Ontario reports more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases and 6 more deaths

Cases, deaths, and outbreaks at nursing care facilities in Ontario

According to the Ministry of Nursing, 3,744 deaths have been reported between residents and patients in long-term care facilities throughout Ontario, the same as yesterday. A total of 11 virus-related deaths have been reported among staff.

Currently, there are 106 cases in housing, which is the same as the previous day.

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The ministry also showed that there are currently 80 active cases among long-term care residents and 179 active cases among staff — both cases have remained the same for the past 24 hours.

A Case Study Between Students and Staff at a Child Care Center, an Ontario School

To date, there have been a total of 8,563 school-related COVID-19 cases in Ontario, according to government statistics. This is an additional 116 additions on the final day. No 99 student cases, 15 staff cases, or 2 cases were identified.

Cases of COVID-19 are currently from 530 of the 4,828 schools in the state. Twenty schools in Ontario are currently closed as a result of positive cases, the government said.

A total of 2,675 cases were confirmed in daycare centers and at home, an increase of 13 cases (7 new child cases and 6 staff cases). Of the 5,264 child care centers in Ontario, 139 currently have cases and 21 are closed.

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— Using files from Matthew Bingley and The Canadian Press

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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