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Pots may not be the best prescription for migraines

Pots may not be the best prescription for migraines


Monday, March 1, 2021 (HealthDay News)-If you decide to try the pot for your relief Migraine, New research suggests that you may be seeking trouble.

actually, Marijuana Use was linked to Rebound headache, Can occur in the following cases pain Scientists have pointed out that the drug is being abused.

“This study shows that there is some link between cannabis use and substance abuse. headache In people with chronic migraine headaches, but at this time, whether the patient is using cannabis to treat medication overuse headache, and whether cannabis contributes to the development of medication overuse headache, or both. Is unknown, “said senior researcher Dr. Niushen Zhang. Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience, Stanford University School of Medicine, California.

Many people with chronic migraine self-treat with marijuana, and some evidence shows that marijuana can help relieve other types of chronic pain, Zhang said.

“People with chronic migraines who used cannabis are six times more likely to have substance abuse headaches, commonly known as” rebound headaches, “than people with chronic migraines who did not use cannabis. I found out, “she said.

Zhang’s team examined the medical records of 368 people who had had chronic migraine headaches for at least a year. Chronic migraine is a headache that lasts more than 15 days a month. Of these patients, 150 used pots.

Of the study subjects, 212 patients had substance abuse headaches. Researchers have found that people who use pots are more likely to have these headaches than people who do not use pots. Those who used opioids were also more likely to use pots.

Previous studies have shown that both opioids and marijuana can affect the parts of the brain that are associated with migraine headaches.

Dr. Robert Duarte, director of the Northwell Health System in Great Neck, New York, reviewed the study and found that rebound headaches could be a problem when patients use pots to treat migraine headaches. Said.

“At this stage, we can’t draw real conclusions,” he said, but cannabis works well for migraine-related complaints such as sleep disorders and anxiety.


But Duarte said cannabis shouldn’t be the first drug to try to control migraine headaches. “You still want to try the standard medicines out there. There are so many new, good and effective medicines-they should obviously be first-line treatments,” he said. It was.

It’s also unclear whether marijuana can cause a bad reaction to these new drugs, Duarte said.

“If you use marijuana, it’s best to use it under the guidance of a doctor who is qualified to provide this treatment,” he said. “Many patients use it on the street. I’ve heard that recreational cannabis is clearly not recommended, but tells me that it helps patients calm down and improve their sleep. . “

But if a patient develops a cannabis-related rebound headache, it’s best to stop using it, Duarte said.

“Stop it and see if those headaches go away,” he recommended. “It may take a while, as cannabis remains in your system for a while, so it may take weeks or more to notice improvement after stopping marijuana.”

The findings will be presented at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neurology on April 17-22. Such studies are considered preliminary until they are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

For more information

For more information on migraine headaches National Headache Foundation..

Source: Niushen Zhang, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology and Neuroscience, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California; Director of the Northwell Health System Center in Great Neck, NY, Doctor of Medicine Robert Duarte.American Academy of Neurology Virtual Conference, April 17-22, 2021

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