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Dietary fats interact with grape tannins to affect the taste of wine

Dietary fats interact with grape tannins to affect the taste of wine


Wine lovers recognize that perfectly paired wines can improve the taste of a delicious meal, and vice versa. Certain foods can affect the flavor of wine.Researchers currently reporting on ACS Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry We investigated how lipids (fat molecules abundant in cheese, meat, vegetable oils and other foods) interact with grape tannins to mask the unwanted flavors of wine compounds.

Tannins are polyphenol compounds that cause the bitterness and astringency of red wine. Wine testers have noticed that certain foods reduce these sensations and improve the flavor of wine, but scientists don’t know why. Some studies have shown that tannins interact with lipids at the molecular level. In food, lipids are seen as fat globules dispersed in liquids or solids. Julie Géan et al. Wanted to investigate how tannins affect the size and stability of lipid droplets in emulsions. They also wondered how previous consumption of vegetable oil affected the taste of human volunteer tannins.

Researchers have created oil-in-water emulsions using olive oil, water, and phospholipid emulsifiers. Next, we added grape tannins called catechins and used a variety of biophysical techniques to study the lipids in the emulsion. The team found that tannins were inserted into a layer of emulsifier that surrounds the oil droplets, forming larger droplets. Taste tests have shown that volunteers consume a spoonful of rapeseed, grape seed, or olive oil before tasting the tannin solution to reduce compound astringency. Olive oil was the most effective and the tannins were felt to be fruity rather than astringent. Combining biophysical and sensory results, researchers conclude that tannins may interact with oil droplets in the mouth, reducing the likelihood of binding to salivary proteins and causing astringency. I attached it.


Author accepts funding from Bordeaux Wine Council among experts..

A summary of the treatise is available here at 8 am EST on March 3rd. http: // /Doi /abs /10.10.1021 /acs.jafc.0c06589

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