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How, why and when to double the face mask

How, why and when to double the face mask
How, why and when to double the face mask


There are many steps you can take to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that occurs. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..One of these Wear a mask..

When it comes to masks, there are many Various options Select from. These include:

  • Cloth mask
  • surgical mask
  • KN95 mask

Recently you may have heard about what is called Double masking.. Simply put, this is when you wear two face masks instead of one.

Need double masking? If so, how can I do it safely? Please continue reading and check.

Double masking is when one mask is layered on top of another. This has two advantages.

Better fit

Many types of masks do not fit your face perfectly. In fact, you may have noticed that as you inhale and exhale, you feel the air escaping from the sides of the mask.

This imperfect seal not only allows the virus-laden respiratory droplets to escape from the mask, but also allows them to enter. Double masking helps prevent this from happening better.

If you are wearing two masks, the outer mask can apply gentle pressure to the edges of the inner mask. When this happens, the inner mask will fit your skin closer and create a better seal.

Increased filtration

SARS-CoV-2 is mainly expand Through respiratory droplets made by a person infected with the virus:

The mask material is filtered before inhaling respiratory droplets containing the virus.

The layer of mask helps to increase its filtering power. In fact, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) We recommend using a face mask with at least two or three layers of fabric.

You can further improve the filtration by adding a second mask. This is to effectively double the layer of material that the viral droplets must pass through before reaching the face or mouth.

Having described double masking and its potential benefits, you may be wondering how to wear the two masks safely and effectively. Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Use the appropriate mask combination. The· CDC It is recommended to put a cloth mask on top of the surgical mask.
  • Avoid other mask combinations. Some mask combinations may not improve the fit or may make breathing difficult. Therefore, avoid the following combinations.
    • Two surgical masks
    • A KN95 And other types of masks
    • N95 and other types of masks
  • Test at home first. Try a double mask at home before using it in public. Check the following.
    • fit. Make sure that the outer mask helps bring the inner mask closer to the face to form a seal. To do this, hold your hand over the mask and breathe as you feel the air escaping from the edges.
    • Breathing. Breathing may require a little extra effort when double masking, but it does not make breathing difficult.
    • vision. Make sure the double mask does not interfere with your eyesight.
  • Evaluate the situation. If you can maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others outside your household, one mask will provide you with sufficient protection. However, double masks are useful in the following cases:

Double masking recommendations are CDC research.. This study looked at ways to improve mask compatibility to reduce exposure to SARS-CoV-2.

In the above study, cough and respiration were simulated using a device that produces aerosol particles that researchers can quantify after the experiment is complete.

Cough simulation

In the above cough simulation, the researchers evaluated the following effectiveness:

  • Only cloth mask
  • Surgical mask only
  • Cloth mask (double mask) that covers the surgical mask

Researchers found that the double mask blocked 85.4 percent of the aerosol particles when the cough was simulated. This is compared to 51.4% and 56.1% for cloth and surgical masks, respectively.

Breathing simulation

In the breathing simulation, we investigated several situations using two models of the human head. One of the models produced aerosol particles (source) and the other was exposed to aerosol particles (recipients).

Researchers have discovered it:

  • If the source wore a double mask and the recipient did not, the aerosol exposure of the unmasked recipient was reduced by 82.2 percent.
  • If the recipient wore a double mask and the source did not, the aerosol exposure of the double masked recipient was reduced by 83%.
  • Aerosol exposure was reduced by 96.4 percent when both the source and recipient wore double masks.

Why you need to double mask

In summary, researchers have discovered two important things.

  1. Wearing a double mask was more effective in reducing coughing aerosol exposure when compared to cloth masks or surgical masks alone.
  2. Respiratory aerosol exposure was significantly reduced when both the source and recipient were wearing double masks.
Health line

Some in the last few months variant A number of new coronaviruses are emerging around the world. Some of these variants can spread more easily between individuals.

One variant you may have heard is B.1.1.7, “British variant.. British public health officials said B.1.1.7 Infectivity increased by about 50%..

further, 2021 research reviewAnother variant was recently identified in California during a surge in COVID-19 cases. American Association for the Advancement of Science In an unpublished study, the laboratory that identified this variant reports that it appears to be more contagious, similar to B.1.1.7.

The rise of more contagious variants means that taking appropriate precautions is more important than ever.Given its effectiveness, double masking Prevention of diffusion Of these variants.

In addition to double masking, there are other ways to help improve the effectiveness of the mask.

Prioritize layers

Multiple layers work to better protect the face from respiratory droplets that may contain viruses. When choosing a cloth mask, choose one that has at least two or three layers of fabric.

Add a filter to the cloth mask

Some cloth masks have built-in pockets for filter materials such as coffee filters and vacuum filters.You can also learn how to make a cloth mask with a filter pocket Here..

Choose a mask with a nose wire

Look for a mask with a strip of wire at the top. This wire can be bent to fit the mask to the nose.You can also prevent glasses by using a mask with a nose wire Cloudy, May interfere with eyesight.

Try the knot and tack method

This method can be used to improve the fit of the surgical mask. It involves tying the ear loops near where they join the mask and carefully pushing in the excess material.The· CDC There are instructions on how to do this.

Use a mask brace

A mask brace is a device made of elastic material. Fits on a single cloth or surgical mask and prevents air from escaping from the top and sides of the mask.You can also make a simple mask brace With 3 rubber bands..

Do not mask

You can use several methods to make the mask more effective, but some methods can reduce the level of protection provided by the face cover.

To ensure that you are well protected, avoid wearing a face that covers it:

  • Does not completely cover the nose and mouth
  • is Inappropriate fittingToo tight or too loose
  • There is only one layer of fabric
  • Made using loosely woven fabrics such as crochet and knitted masks
  • Made of poorly breathable materials such as leather, plastic and vinyl
  • I’m waiting Breath vent Attached to it
  • Balaclava, scarf, or ski mask
Health line

In addition to Wear a maskIt is important to take additional steps to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. These include the following:

  • wash hands. Please wash your hands Use soap and water frequently, especially after being in a public place or after coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Physical distance practice. Aim to stay At least 6 feet away From outside your home.
  • Avoid certain areas. Avoid crowded areas and areas with minimal ventilation.
  • Disinfection. Regularly Disinfect the high five surface At home, such as doorknobs, countertops, and lamp switches.The· Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lists effective disinfectants against the new coronavirus.
  • I take the test. If you are experiencing one of Symptoms of COVID-19, you have to I take the test Isolate at home while waiting for results.

Double masking is the wearing of one mask on top of another. It helps improve the fit and filtration of your mask.

CDC studies have found that double masking is very effective in preventing exposure to aerosols caused by coughing and breathing.

If you want to try double masking, wear a cloth mask over the surgical mask. Avoid other mask combinations.

It is also advisable to first test the double mask at home to make sure it fits and does not affect breathing or vision.

In addition to wearing a mask, it is important to practice other preventative measures such as hand washing and physical distance. This is especially important given the emergence of more contagious viral variants.


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