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UK acknowledges lack of PPE in criticism of coronavirus | News


The UK Government has admitted a shortage of significant masks and gowns for medical staff as it faces criticism from doctors and health workers during the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Healthcare workers treating patients with the highly infectious COVID-19 disease have criticized the government’s proposal to reuse personal protective equipment (PPE).


The Ministry of Health spokesman said that this guidance is to ensure that staff should do what they can to minimize risk in the event of a shortage, and that the rules remain in line with international standards. Is to guarantee.

When community clerk Robert Jenrick was asked about the situation at a daily government press conference on Saturday, “We must do more to get the PPE people need at the forefront. Hmm. “

He acknowledged the shortage, but added that the shipment is expected to arrive from Turkey on Sunday and contains equipment that includes 400,000 protective clothing.

“We try to do everything we can to get the equipment we need,” he said during a briefing on television.

“We are trying to source more internationally. It is sometimes difficult, there is a great demand for it, and the security of its supply may prove to be very difficult, but we Is making progress there. “

The UK is nearing the peak of a health crisis that has killed more than 15,000 people. This is the fifth highest coronavirus death rate in the world, killing at least 150,000 people worldwide.

Al-Jazeera Paul Brennan said in a report from Ashford on the outskirts of the capital London that controversy over PPE inventories has grown in recent weeks.

“The impending pressure is due to anecdotal evidence from front-line staff treating COVID-19 patients and must jeopardize their own safety,” he said.

At least 27 NHS staff were killed during the pandemic, according to government statistics. But tolls could be higher, according to media reports.

“Nationwide scandal”

According to data released on Saturday, 15,464 people died in British hospitals after a test for positive coronaviruses, with an increase of 888 by GMT 16:00 in 24 hours on Friday.

That increase is higher than in recent days, but below the highest daily death toll of 980 seen a week or so ago.

The government issued new guidance to the hospital on Friday, saying it might need to use alternatives to liquid-repellent, full-length gowns, such as reusable gowns and long-sleeved lab coats.

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“This guidance further acknowledges the dire situation that some doctors and health professionals continue to find themselves due to government failure,” said the Chairman of the UK Medical Association’s Committee of Consultants. Said Rob Harwood.

“If staff are proposed to reuse equipment, this must be driven by science and best evidence, not obviously availability.”

Trade union unite said he had told members that the situation over PPE was a “national scandal” and that he could legally refuse to avoid the risk of injury.

The Royal College of Nursing said it wrote “in the strongest words” to express concern about the rule change.

NHS providers, organizations representing hospitals and other parts of the UK’s publicly funded National Health Service, said the level of gown supply is important.

“It’s clear that some trusts will run out of completely liquid swimsuits this weekend,” said Deputy Prime Minister Saffron Caudalie.

Britain’s response to the outbreak of the coronavirus, which lags its European peers, is responsible for the growing political criticism of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, recovering from an intensive care spell after the infection.

“This is no longer just a health care issue, it’s a real political hot potato for the government, and they’ve received a lot of criticism as a result of being perceived as a lack of positive planning,” Brennan said. It was

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock appointed Paul Dayton, who was the chief executive of the London Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, to organize the domestic production of PPE for healthcare workers treating coronavirus patients. Appointed

“He’s monotonously and relentlessly focused on PPE as the country’s top manufacturing priority, backed by the best of government,” said Hancock.

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