Four stillbirths among women with Covid-19 prompt HSE alerts
The number of stillborn women in Covid-19 prompted separate warnings from the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Obstetrician Institute.
Alerts were sent to obstetrics staff nationwide after stillbirth identified Covid-19 infection of the placenta as the cause of the last four stillbirths.
Based on the results of the post-mortem investigation, two separate coroners took the unusual step of contacting HSE directly to express their concerns. The woman showed mild or moderate symptoms of Covid-19, but was not so ill.
Stillbirths that occurred in the first two months of this year have not yet been investigated in an inquest and are not obliged to follow the results of the postmortem investigation.
On Thursday evening, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Rohnunglin said:
“These reports need to be interpreted with caution as coroners have not yet concluded the findings. The HSE National Women’s and Infant Program recognizes and monitors the situation and is obstetrically relevant. I am issuing a notification.
“I want the privacy of all people affected by this disease to continue to be respected.”
Two of the stillbirths were included in Nphet’s daily mortality figures on Thursday night.
Meanwhile, in international experience, it is “not uncommon” for Covid-19 to cause placental infections, but stillbirth was an “abnormal complication,” said HSE’s head of women’s and infant health programs. One professor, Peter McKenna, told the Irish Times.
He said four stillbirths occurred in a short period of time, raising concerns among a small number of women in Covid-19 and urging HSE to warn.
Despite the lack of international evidence of Covid-related stillbirth, it was decided to issue a warning on a precautionary basis.
In each case, pathologists found that the placenta of women infected with Covid was inflamed, which impaired blood flow to the foetation.
According to US and UK studies, there was no overall increase in stillbirth during the pandemic.
A Cork study of a female virus who successfully gave birth by emergency caesarean section found that placental inflammation was a rare complication of infection, but “caused serious placental damage and harmed the fetus. It can cause it. ”
Professor McKenna urged pregnant women to do everything they could to protect themselves from Covid-19 infections. Mothers expected to be infected with Covid-19 as a result of postmortem findings are more likely to be monitored more intensively, longer than usual, and may be induced or give birth early as a precautionary measure He said he was sexual.
“Be careful not to draw too much. It may be an unfortunate coincidence,” said Dr. Cliona Murphy, president of the Obstetrician Institute.
She urged pregnant women who tested positive for Covid-19 to have a medical examination as soon as the quarantine period ended and not hesitate to see a doctor if they had any concerns.
In January, HSE stated that 548 pregnant women were virus-positive during the pandemic, which is considered an underestimate. Forty-one people were hospitalized and needed to enter the ICU under the age of five.
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