Why does using birth control have to suck so much?
Constant or irregular bleeding, breakouts, nausea, headaches, hair loss, mood swings, collapsing sex drives, vaginal tenderness, ovarian cysts, blood clots, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts – anyone who’s ever been on hormonal contraception is likely to have at least one horror story to tell you.
If you haven’t experienced any side effects first-hand, chances are good that you know someone who has.
Charlotte, 22, went on the pill when she was 15 to combat acne and painful periods, only to find that, after the seven-day-break you’re advised to have on the kind she was taking, she would feel ‘incredibly ill’ to the point she couldn’t leave the house.
Jess, 26, had her contraceptive implant redone twice before her periods became heavy and nearly constant, affecting her body image, moods and sex life.
She was referred to gynaecologists and haematologists because doctors weren’t sure if she had some kind of blood disorder. She decided to take the implant out when the pandemic ramped up, and things went back to normal in just a couple of weeks.
Simone*, 27, said taking the pill to try to combat her heavy periods resulted in not just ‘constant’ bleeding, but also ‘raging anxiety’, short term memory loss, weight gain, acne and a low sex drive.
Maria, the 35-year-old co-founder of menstrual cycle guide book makers The Hood, experienced migraines when she tried one pill, and her periods didn’t return until a year after she stopped taking a second, while Amelia*, 27, said various versions of the pill caused weight gain as well as anger, depression, and anxiety after having never felt that way before.
All of this isn’t to say that hormonal contraception should be avoided like the plague – after all, plenty of people experience no negative side effects whatsoever.
But why is it that, in the year of 2021, we apparently can’t do better?
Why is it still the ones with wombs who must shoulder the whole hormonal burden?
Sure, you can opt for diaphragms or condoms as plenty of people do, but, aside from those who take the pill for reasons other than sex, many find the risk of a mishap like a breakage unappealing enough to at least want a backup.
Dr Mishkat Shehata, founder of private practice The Lifestyle Code Clinic, says there has been some progress with making hormonal contraception better since its invention, telling us: ‘Contraceptives have evolved over the years, and they are now much better from a side effect profile point of view in comparison to what they were twenty years ago.’
Dr Nicky Keay, endocrinologist and Chief Medical Officer at Forth, tells us: ‘While there have been improvements in lower doses of hormonal contraception, certainly more work needs to be done.
‘After all, every woman is an individual and a “one size fits all” approach does not always work.
‘A good starting point would be for each woman to understand and (ideally) test her hormone levels and know her own hormone fluctuations. This deeper insight will enable her to make informed choices about the right contraception for her.’
Mr Narendra Pisal, a consultant gynaecologist at London Gynaecology, says: ‘Sadly, right across the world, contraception is viewed primarily as a women’s concern, with the onus of birth control largely falling to them.
‘There are a huge number of options of contraception available to women but only two methods – condoms and vasectomy – require a man’s contribution.’
When asked why taking hormonal contraception can still be such a horrid experience for many, Dr Tom Micklewright, Associate Medical Director at Push Doctor, tells us it’s ‘because of the very thing that they’re made to act like: hormones.
‘Developing medication that looks and acts like our bodies’ own hormones is seen by some as a more “natural” solution,’ he notes. ‘It plays into our bodies’ natural rhythms, cycles and processes rather than forcing our bodies into an unnatural state.
‘The downside though, is that hormones themselves act as chemical messengers in our blood. They affect the entire body, not just one part.
‘Oestrogen, for example, though often associated just with menstruation and fertility, is also important for bone health, cholesterol and blood clotting.’
When asked the same question, Dr Stephanie Page, who is among those trying to develop a pill for sperm-producers, says: ‘This is why we need more reversible contraceptive options for men!
‘Women historically and disproportionately bear the burden of contraception because they bear the risk of pregnancy, both physically and socially/economically.
‘Only some of that can be changed within our social structure, and there is some (but not enough in my personal opinion) progress in more shared responsibility for children.’
While there is also definitely empowerment in being in control of your own reproductive health – our bodies, our choices after all – the arrival of a hormonal contraceptive for people who produce sperm would no doubt be welcomed since it would at least offer the option of sharing the responsibility.
Dr Page, also a professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, tells us: ‘In the end, women are the ones who get pregnant and need to be able to control their own fertility. Pregnancy is, after all, still a life-threatening condition.
‘Nonetheless, more and more men want to share the burden of contraception. There are good multi-country, cross-cultural surveys that support this assertion.
‘Moreover, many men wish to control their fertility and prevent pregnancy and do not want to rely completely on their sexual partner for contraception.’
Dr Page highlights that plenty of women don’t have any issues taking hormonal contraception, saying: ‘It is also important to point out that millions of women use hormonal contraceptives without bothersome side effects, and that hormonal contraceptives can have some health benefits for women (i.e. chemoprevention).
‘They aren’t for everyone, though, and many women have side effects. People need more contraceptive options to find what works best for them.
‘The male methods in development are likely to be similar; some people may have side effects, others may not. We want men and couples to have choices in their decision to have only planned pregnancies.’
Dr Keay tells us: ‘Contraception has been seen as a female problem for far too long.
‘There was a trial for a male contraceptive injection that involved 320 men and proved to be 96% effective at stopping pregnancy. But the trial was discontinued due to the side effects which included mood disorders, muscle pain, acne and increased libido.
‘Compare this to the side effects women suffer from the contraceptive pill that also includes mood changes, acne, decreased libido along with weight gain, headaches/migraines, nausea and breast tenderness to name a few, it does make you wonder where the equality is when it comes to developing contraceptive solutions.’
When asked why it’s taken so long for a hormonal alternative for sperm producers to be produced, Dr Page gives us three reasons:
- The need for menstruators to have contraception was prioritised back in the day.
- The fact that we produce fewer eggs than people with penises do sperm.
- A lack of funding.
She explains: ‘The imperative to develop contraceptives for women was appropriately prioritised by scientists/physicians, so this is where initial efforts were focused.’
Why should the number of eggs released matter? Dr Micklewright tells us: ‘Unlike the menstrual cycle, the production of sperm is not cyclical. A steady stream of sperm are created under the control of testosterone, another important hormone.
‘The challenge then to creating hormonal contraception for people with penises is how to stop sperm production without lowering testosterone and harming a person’s health.
‘We’re getting closer to a solution that blocks sperm creation and maintains testosterone levels, but we’re not quite there yet.’
‘Women cycle monthly, releasing one (or sometimes a few) viable eggs as targets for fertilization. Men make 1,000 sperm a second!’ explains Dr Page.
‘A normal ejaculate has 40-500 million sperm in it. That’s a lot of sperm. So a lot of early work focused on questions like, how low do we need to go to develop an effective male contraceptive if the target is to limit sperm production?
‘If we target sperm “swimming” what if a few sperm still swim well enough, so to speak? In other words, there is some physiology that was not totally parallel to women.
‘We now know, for example, that a prototype male hormonal contraceptive that results in a sperm count of 1 million/ml in the ejaculate is a very effective contraceptive for men, but that took human trials to sort out.’
And as for the lack of funding? ‘Early on (1980-2000),’ Dr Page tells us, ‘Pharmaceutical companies supported male hormonal contraceptive development, but that has dried up.
‘Some studies showed side effects, and regulatory bodies such as the FDA have not given clear guidance as to what types of studies they will require for a male contraceptive to be approved.
‘It is a murky area as men don’t get pregnant so the risk/benefit equation for men taking a male hormonal contraceptive is different than for women. I suspect these are the reasons that pharmaceutical companies have found this too risky to invest in.
‘Finally, the market/uptake is untested.’
Dr Lynae Brayboy, oocyte biologist, female reproductive endocrinologist and Chief Medical Officer at female health app Clue, also believes funding is an issue in the field as a whole, pointing out: ‘Historically in reproductive biology, monumental breakthroughs from the birth control pill discovered by Greogry Pincus to the birth of Louise Brown – the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) baby – in 1978 due to the work of Steptoe and Edwards did not have public research grants at the onset.
‘Unfortunately, the constant financial challenge for burgeoning scientists to maintain research programs makes it difficult to introduce revolutionary new methods and ideas that require significant time and significant funds. Yes, in 2021 we should be able to do better.’
Indeed, Dr Keay highlights a general ‘gender inequality in healthcare’ and lack of funding in women’s reproductive health as reasons why there have been few advancements in simply making existing hormonal contraception better.
She says: ‘Women in the UK are 50% more likely than men to be misdiagnosed for a stroke or heart attack due to the lack of research into these diseases being mainly based on men; and more research goes into erectile dysfunction which affects 19% of men compared to PMS which affects 90% of women.’
But it’s not all doom and gloom – advances in the field are slowly but surely being made.
On the subject of her ongoing search for a sperm-centric solution, Dr Page tells us: ‘Our group at the University of Washington works closely with colleagues at the Lundquist Institute (in Los Angeles), the NICHD, the Population Council, and multiple universities across the globe to develop reversible, safe male hormonal contraceptives.
‘We are currently conducting clinical trials to evaluate the following:
- ‘A daily transdermal gel men can apply. This is currently in a Phase Two study which is enrolling 400 couples across the globe (USA, Europe, Africa, South America across 13 sites) testing NES/TES as a male contraceptive.
- ‘A long acting (three-six month) injection. Currently being testing in men only evaluating its impact on sperm count (not yet in preventing pregnancy).
- ‘A male pill. Currently being testing in men only evaluating its impact on sperm count (not yet in preventing pregnancy).’
However, it could take a while before things like these are available to the masses.
Mr Pisal says: ‘There are a number of male contraception options in development including two oral formulations (pills) and a topical gel.
‘Reports say it could however be ten years until they come to market. Let’s watch this space.’
So what can we do to speed the process along?
Dr Brayboy recommends: ‘Call your political representatives to require they support funding increases as it relates to reproductive biology and more specifically science related to people with periods. This is essential for the future development.
‘You can support science by enrolling in clinical trials so that people with periods are properly represented.
‘Participate in fundraising and donate funds to organisations that support reproductive science like the Marine Biological Laboratories where the basic science for both the pill and IVF began and is still supported with an amazing course for reproductive scientists from all over the world that I had the privilege to attend.’
If you’re worried about the side effects of hormonal contraception in the meantime, Mr Pisal says you should talk to your GP, telling us: ‘All contraceptives tend to have some side effects and also a failure rate. But if there are specific side effects, doctors will be able to suggest an alternative. There are many options available and it is almost always possible to find something suitable.
‘If women are worried about contraceptives affecting their mental or physical health, it is always best to talk to a women’s health expert in your GP and they may be able to give you advice.
‘If symptoms are significant, please stop the contraception after discussion with a health professional. Risk of pregnancy needs to be weighed against any side effects.’
*Some names have been changed.
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