One year COVID-19 observed at the University of Utah
March 5, 2021 8:00 am
March 5, 2021 – The University of Utah began treating patients infected with COVID-19 in early March 2020. Last year, I learned a lot about new viruses and how to deal with them. U of U Health has recorded a historic year and all the ways our healthcare system has adapted to better protect and service patients.
Pandemic preparation
Before SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, little was known about the virus and most of the cases were present in China. At that time, the coronavirus began to emerge as a potential public health concern. As a leading healthcare provider in Utah and the Mountain West region, U of U Health soon began preparing for patient care.
- Negative pressure screening tent It was built outside the emergency department of the University of Utah Hospital the day after the state of emergency was declared by former governor Gary Herbert.
- The following safety measures have been taken to better protect patients, faculty and staff, and staff. Limit visitors Easy at all U of U Health facilities Postponement of selective surgery Helps protect personal protective equipment (PPE) and other important equipment.
- In the second half of the pandemic, the University of Utah Hospital B-50 COVID unit Separate and treat COVID-positive patients.
Preservation and preservation of PPE
The growing need for PPE has become an increasing concern around the world. U of U Health has found a way to preserve and preserve PPE.
- University of Utah School of Medicine Student Volunteer Held Community collection drive Collect PPE and donate it to the U of U Health system.In total, student volunteers gathered Over 163,000 individual items from PPE..
- Important supplies were donated by generous donors not only in Utah, but also outside the United States.The University of Utah’s health was politely accepted Over 205,200 PPE items..
- U of U Health’s Health Innovation Center has found a way to save and even do it right Reuse some medical devices..
- U of U Health has embarked on a global initiative to involve thousands of volunteers to produce millions of medical-grade masks for front-line caregivers. Project protect Beyond that goal by collecting Over 6 million face masks.
COVID-19 test
Testing for COVID-19 began on March 12, 2020 at the U of U Health. At that time, the standards tested were very limited. since then, Coronavirus test U of U Health has evolved rapidly. Since then, testing standards have been relaxed and changed to continue to provide the highest quality care to patients. Over 323,000 patients It has been tested for COVID-19 at U of U Health (as of February 17, 2021).
U of U Health Wellness bath It was also equipped with a coronavirus test focused on traveling to poorly serviced communities. In 10 months, the wellness bus team tested Over 14,500 people In Salt Lake Valley through barrier-free testing.
COVID-19 vaccine
U of U Health began receiving the COVID-19 vaccine just hours after receiving its first shipment from Pfizer-BioNTech. Due to limited supply and logistics constraints, vaccines were distributed in stages, initially focused on front-line healthcare professionals. Over 16,800 people have been vaccinated At U of U Health (as of February 18, 2021).
- December 15, 2020: U of U Health Vaccine in the first round Of the front line medical staff.
- January 7, 2020: Second dose Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination begins.
- March 1, 2021: Select a patient group Vaccination will begin at the Redwood Health Center and the university hospital.
Clinical trial
Researchers and scientists quickly worked to learn more about new and unknown viruses. Immunology, inflammation, and infectious disease initiatives (as information changes rapidly)3i).The· Research reaction U of U Health’s COVID-19 includes:
- Over 130 research projects
- $ 1.3 million seed funding
- $ 26 million in external funding
- Over 100 scholarly publications
U of U Health helped the University of Utah by testing COVID-19 for students, faculty, and staff. In the fall of 2020, residential students were tested upon move-in and voluntarily throughout the semester. Asymptomatic tests were offered to more students even before the Thanksgiving break. Symptomatology / exposure-based tests were also available throughout the semester. By the spring of 2021, the Campus test program had expanded thanks to the University Core Labs PCR test. This has increased test capacity, reduced time required, improved accuracy, and reduced costs.
From August 2020 to March 2021:
- Almost 42,500 COVID-19 tests Processed
- 12,400 unique students Tested
- 13,500 unique faculty, students and staff Tested
State, community, and campus partnerships
- Utah Hero Project: The University of Utah and the University of Utah Health’s David Eccles School of Business have launched Utah HERO (Health & Economic Recovery Outreach) to randomly test Utah to determine the COVID-19 infection rate in Utah. In Phase 2 of the project More than 24,000 individuals were surveyed and nearly 19,000 blood samples were collected.
- COVID-19 contact tracing: The University of Utah’s School of Public Health has partnered with the Utah Department of Health to track COVID-19 contacts.
- COVID Community Partnership (CCP): The Wellness Bus participated in the CCP, delayed the spread of COVID-19 and provided coronavirus testing in an undervalued community in Utah.Overall, testing of COVID-19 via a wellness bath It has reached more racial / ethnic minority communities than all other test sites conducted throughout Utah.
- Navajo Nation Donations: The University of Utah School of Medicine’s Health, Fairness, Diversity, and Comprehensive Office has partnered with the Salt Lake Urban Indian Center to provide essential supplies for Navajo Nation.Donations from local Utahns We filled three U-Haul mobile trucks and one minivan.
- COVID-19 Support Group: Through the Caring Connections program at the University of Utah School of Nursing, people affected by COVID-19 can seek comfort through a support group.
- Vice Presidential Debate: The University of Utah Health supported the COVID-19 test and coronavirus safety protocol support for the VP debate on the University of Utah campus. Over 2,100 people tested For COVID-19 of the event.
Frontline staff support
Through the coronavirus pandemic, University of Utah faculty and staff have been overwhelmed by the generosity of businesses, organizations, and individuals within the community. Friends, family, and even strangers have reached out in many ways to show support for our front-line healthcare professionals.
- White ribbons fastened to people’s jackets and coats showed the support of medical staff.
- #UtahCares was used on social media to thank and acknowledge Utah’s healthcare heroes.
- Demonstration of F-35A Lightning II and 288th Hill Air Force Base’s Fighter Wings has performed a formation flyover across the state to salute everyone at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19.
- The first Utah responder paid tribute to Utah University health care workers lining up in front of a university hospital.
- Almost 73,000 meals and light meals It was distributed throughout the University of Utah’s healthcare system, donated by local businesses and individuals in Utah.
COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears
Coronavirus test
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