Who is next to the Covid vaccine priority list
JCVI issued its final recommendations on Phase 2 of the vaccine program on February 26, concluding that people aged 40-49 will be invited to the vaccine first.
After that, people aged 30-39 and 18-29 were invited, and the government aims to vaccinate all adults by the end of July, hoping for the possibility of outdoor events and holidays in August. I’m getting it.
However, occupation is not prioritized. JCVI considered whether groups such as teachers and police officers should be vaccinated next, but concluded that the most effective way to prevent death and hospitalization is to prioritize people by age. I did.
Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chair of JCVI’s Covid-19, said: “Vaccination prevents people from dying. The current strategy is to prioritize those who have serious consequences and are more likely to die in Covid-19.
“There is clear evidence that the risk of hospitalization and death increases with age.
“The vaccination program has been a huge success, and continuing age-based deployments will provide the greatest benefit in the shortest amount of time, including those in occupations at high risk of exposure.”
Why is there a delay between the first jab and the second jab?
Regulators say the key to success is Administer the entire dose twice at intervals of 4-12 weeksIt provides some protection from the virus, in order to give as many people as possible an initial dose of the vaccine.
According to one study, a single dose of Oxford vaccine was 76% effective in preventing infection between 22 and 90 days after injection, increasing to 82.4% after the second dose at that stage. Researchers involved in the study said the findings support the UK’s decision to extend the interval between the initial shot and booster doses to 12 weeks.
According to one study Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine provided a “very high” level of protection No need for a second “additional” vaccination from Covid-19 only 21 days later.
A UEA study that has not yet been peer-reviewed examined data from Israel where the vaccine was deployed. Scientists have found that the vaccine is 90% effective after 21 days. This supports the UK’s plan to delay the timing of the second jab.
It is not yet known how long immunity will last beyond 21 days without a second dose, but researchers believe it is “unlikely” to have a significant decline in the next nine weeks.
read more: Compare Oxford, Pfizer and other Covid vaccines from infection to efficacy
How do I get the vaccine?
If you are eligible for the vaccine, the NHS will contact you and invite you to make an appointment.
If you are enrolled in the GP, you will be contacted by surgery by phone, text, email, or mail to book your vaccination at your local vaccination center.
You can register for GP surgery even if you have not yet registered for GP surgery. It’s a good idea to make sure your contact details are up-to-date to avoid delays.
However, if you are over 70 and have not yet been vaccinated, the government will encourage you to contact your GP.
3 delivery modes
Secretary of Health and Welfare Matt Hancock At the hospital and mass vaccination center with the pharmacist, he said there would be “three delivery modes” GP that provides jabs.
A total of 250 active hospital sites, 89 vaccination centers, and approximately 1,200 regional vaccination sites, including primary care networks, regional pharmacy sites, and mobile teams, will be vaccinated for all at risk. Easy access to the center. No matter where they live.
Nationwide sites have changed to vaccine hubs Vaccine administration started on January 25th.
These venues include ExCel in London, Villa Park in Birmingham, the Etihad Tennis Center in Manchester, and the Epsom Downs Racecourse in Sally.
Johnson promised that the vaccine would be available to people within 10 miles of their home. In a few very rural areas, vaccines are delivered to them via mobile teams.
Vaccine Minister Nadim Zahawi, in addition to the three delivery methods, The vaccine can be given in the form of tablets..
Vaccination in the form of tablets may help alleviate supply problems that have hindered deployment in some parts of the world, including Europe.
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