How far is it? how much? Czechs world news tackle ways to mitigate Covid-19 lockdown
of Czech Republic It is to take the first steps on Monday to deregulate the coronavirus after officials declare that the outbreak of Covid-19 has been controlled.
Number of coronaviruses in the country, Like most people Central europeanMuch lower than in the west, partly because of the early implementation of strict blockade measures
The issue that is currently burning for many Central and Eastern European countries is how quickly regulations should be relaxed. Some policymakers believe that great care must be taken not to reverse positive work or create a new outbreak. Others pointed to the increased economic costs of blockade measures, and due to the low number of incidents and deaths, perhaps in combination with a continuous closed border to prevent the invasion of viruses from the outside, allow for a quick resumption. I should say.
“The numbers are impressive so far, but I’m not sure if even the government could surge,” said Milan Nich, an expert at the German Foreign Council based in Berlin.
Czech Minister of Health Adam Vojčev announced last week that the country’s rigorous efforts have helped prevent uncontrolled outbreaks and justified a careful deregulation. The five-step plan begins on Monday. Farmers markets, car dealerships, and other small businesses Europe Introduced on March 12.
The final floor, tentatively scheduled for June 8, will allow the resumption of all businesses, including bars, cafes, restaurants and hotels. But Voychuf warned people not to be fooled by false reassurance and said authorities would re-impose restrictions if the number of incidents surged.
As of Sunday morning, the country recorded 6,657 cases and 181 deaths. Neighbor Slovakia With 1,161 cases and 12 deaths, it is one of the least affected countries in Europe.
There may be several reasons for the small number, but the decisive reason seems to be the swift move to implement lockdown measures. Border closures and restrictions on movements and rallies were introduced much earlier than even Western countries. Coordinated efforts to persuade citizens of both the Czech Republic and Slovakia to wear face masks may also have helped.
There is criticism between the slow pace of lockdown mitigation, especially between the services and tourism sectors.
“The number of cases has dropped significantly, but the government is discussing opening most stores only in June. During the summer, there were quite a few restrictions, such as travel bans and significant restrictions on tourism activities. It’s still there, “said Secretary for European Affairs heading the former Tomasprusa Czech Federation of Commerce and Industry.
In Slovakia, Prime Minister Igor Matovich faces criticism from within the government of the continued blockade. “ We will not destroy our economy for the 800 people who die each year from the flu, ” said Richard Slick, Minister of Economy and leader of the Government’s Business Junior Coalition Partner, on Facebook. I wondered why the country was doing so with a much smaller number of coronaviruses.
Matovic promised to announce plans and a timetable on Monday, but he claimed it was based on the recommendations of epidemiologists rather than economists.
Nič says: “There is a paradox that in a few Central Europe, the escape from the blockade may be much more cautious, as countries with much higher infection rates are beginning to discuss loose mitigation.”
Many countries in the region impose strict border restrictions and airport closures, which can continue even after domestic measures are relaxed.
Czech Prime Minister Andre Babish said last week that reopening the border was not a priority. This suggests that the troubled tourism industry in this country has little practical hope of rest. This continued until the crisis of the coronavirus became obsessed with mitigating the effects of excessive foreign tourists on Prague. Babish said the industry focus should now shift to domestic tourism.
Another part of the exit strategy could include a mask. In both the Czech Republic and Slovakia, citizens are obliged to wear masks for over a month, politicians being one example. The newly elected Matovich held one of his first press conferences in masks in mid-March and advised others to follow his lead. “Even a hand-sewn mask made of old sheets or T-shirts is much better than nothing at all,” he said. TV anchor read the news with a mask, and Thousands of volunteers sew handmade masks It will be distributed free of charge.
Roman Prymula, Deputy Minister for Health and Epidemiology in the Czech Republic, warned that facial mask requirements are likely to remain in effect throughout the warm summer months.
Other countries have followed as well. In Poland, there was talk of gradual easing of lockdown measures in the coming weeks and last week it was mandatory to wear a mask outdoors. Some parts of Austria and Germany also mandate wearing masks in public places.
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