Blood tests can serve as an early indicator of extreme Covid-19: studies
Clinical reports promoted by the journal Blood Advances argue that the initiation of white platelets and the progression of biomarkers or organic signs associated with obesity can predict extreme outcomes in Covid-19 patients.
When patients with Covid-19 arrive in the emergency room, doctors predict which patients are likely to become severely ill and require intensive care and which patients are likely to enjoy rapid recovery There are relatively few methods. However, this study focuses on biomarkers that help predict severe outcomes in Covid-19 patients.
“Patients with high levels of these markers were much more likely to need care in the intensive care unit, need ventilation, or die from Covid-19,” said Cardiovascular Medicine. The lead author, Dr. Hyunjun, said. Director of Translational Research in Medicine and Pathology, and Yale Pulmonary Vascular Disease Program.
Previously, several laboratory studies have shown that severe Covid-19 levels include D-dimer levels, blood clotting measurements, and levels of proteins known as cytokines that are released as part of the body’s inflammatory response. Possible indicators have been identified. However, until now, there have been no test markers that can predict which patients with Covid-19 will eventually become severely ill before showing clinical signs or symptoms of severe illness.
In a new study, researchers at Yale University used proteomics profiling (screening for multiple proteins in the blood) to analyze samples taken from 100 patients experiencing different levels of Covid-19 severity. Did. In all cases, blood samples were collected on the first day of hospitalization of the patient. The researchers also analyzed clinical data from more than 3,000 additional patients with Covid-19 in the Yale New Haven Hospital system.
They found that five proteins associated with neutrophils, a type of white blood cell (resistin, lipocalin-2, HGF, IL-8, and G-CSF), were elevated in Covid-19 patients who later became severely ill. I found that there is. Many of these proteins were previously associated with obesity, but not with Covid-19 or other viral illnesses.
In particular, elevated neutrophil biomarkers in patients who continue to experience more severe symptoms were apparent before those symptoms appeared. All Covid-19 patients admitted to or transferred to the ICU had elevated neutrophil activation markers, but these biomarkers remained low in patients who had never developed a serious illness. did. Patients with low neutrophil biomarker levels did not die.
“This is one of the first proofs that a series of biomarkers in the blood of Covid patients can predict final ICU admission, even before such patients become severely ill,” he said. Dr. Alfred Lee, an associate professor of science, said. Yale Medical Oncology-A member of the Hematology Fellowship Program and the Yale Cancer Center.
Early knowledge of these indicators could significantly improve the treatment of patients, the researchers said.
“For diagnostic tests [for these biomarkers] Being able to order early will give you a better understanding of who is likely to become seriously ill and will benefit from a higher level of care and consideration for treatments that affect the immune system early in hospitalization. You can, “says Chun.
“Many of these drugs have potential side effects, and these tests may help identify the patients who will benefit most,” Chun added.
The study also emphasized the relationship between Covid-19 and obesity, the researchers said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that obesity and severe obesity increase the risk of severe illness from Covid-19. Obesity has tripled the risk of hospitalization with Covid-19, and levels of obesity index have been shown to correlate with the risk of death from Covid-19.
According to Lee, neutrophils are inflammatory cells, so elevated neutrophils in both obesity with chronic mild inflammation and Covid-19, which causes hyperinflammation in the most severe cases, are possible. It makes sense. It can lead to tissue damage and organ failure.
“There are also signs that neutrophils can be involved in thrombosis and blood clotting,” said Lee, another annoying feature of Covid-19.
Researchers will expand their research into the relationship between biomarkers and Covid-19 by examining patients who have recovered from acute illness.
“We hope these findings motivate other groups to see their own patient population,” Chun said, requiring additional validation studies to support the development of diagnostic tests for these biomarkers. I added that it would be.
“The evolution of our findings really demonstrates the power of collaboration, which has emerged as one hopeful aspect of this catastrophic pandemic and continues to leverage it for the benefit of patients. “I will,” said Lee.
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