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Phase 1b of COVID-19 vaccine distribution at SC begins today. Here’s what you need to know: | Local Health News

Phase 1b of COVID-19 vaccine distribution at SC begins today. Here’s what you need to know: | Local Health News


The COVID-19 vaccine became available to more South Carolina citizens as the state entered Phase 1b of its vaccination program on Monday. According to the SC Health and Environment Administration, here’s what you need to know about new additions to eligible groups:

Question: Who is included in Phase 1b?

Answer: This phase includes all residents aged 55 and over, residents aged 16-64 with underlying health, and school and day care workers, manufacturing workers, grocery workers, and law enforcement officers. Includes, but is not limited to, front-line workers at high occupational risk.

Q: How can I sign up for a reservation?

A: Residents can visit Shows an interactive map showing all vaccine providers with reservations available. Click to see detailed information about how to sign up for an appointment at that location or your contact number at each location. Residents can also call DHEC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Information Line (1-866-365-8110).

Q: How many times do patients get the vaccine? Also, how long is the inoculation interval?

A: Currently, two main different vaccines are being administered. One by Pfizer and the other by Moderna. Both require two doses, but there are some differences. One difference is that the doses of the two Pfizers need to be separated at 21-day intervals, while the doses of the two modelers need to be separated at 28-day intervals. Dose cannot be exchanged. For example, you cannot get the first Pfizer vaccine and the second modeler vaccine.

Q: How do I know when to take the second dose?

A: After receiving the first dose, people receive a paper vaccination record that includes the vaccine they received, the date and place of the vaccine, and the date when the next injection is needed. Individuals will be notified when it is time to receive a second shot.

Q: What if I get COVID-19 during vaccination?

A: If a person becomes infected with COVID-19 during administration, the person must wait until the illness has passed and the quarantine period is complete.

Q: How much does the vaccine cost?

A: The federal government will cover the cost of the vaccine.

Q: Do I still need to wear a mask and social distance after receiving both vaccines?

A: DHEC says, “The vaccine works with the immune system, so the body is ready to fight the virus when exposed. Others, such as covering the mouth and nose with a mask and being at least 6 feet away from others. The procedure is useful. ” It reduces the chances of being exposed to a virus or infecting others. “

Q: Is there a waiting period after vaccination?

A: Patients should be prepared to wait approximately 15 minutes for the observation period after vaccination. This is to prevent the patient from reacting abnormally.

Q: Do I need to live in South Carolina to be vaccinated in South Carolina?

A: Non-residents are eligible to be vaccinated in Palmetto because there are no residence requirements in South Carolina. This is different from neighboring Georgia, where you must be a resident of Georgia to get the vaccine.

Q: If I am already infected with COVID-19, can I get the vaccine?

A: Yes, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccination of people infected with COVID-19.

Q: Does the vaccine contain live virus?

A: The vaccine does not contain live viruses. Contains genes for viral proteins. Therefore, residents cannot obtain COVID-19 from the vaccine.

Q: Is the vaccine safe?

A: This vaccine has undergone rigorous scientific and clinical trials with all vaccines under development. The COVID-19 vaccine took less time to develop than other vaccines because scientists had already begun research on the coronavirus vaccine at the time of the previous outbreak caused by related coronaviruses such as SARS. ..

Q: Are there any side effects of the vaccine?

A: The results of the first COVID-19 vaccine show no serious side effects. Vaccines and drugs can cause mild side effects such as arm pain and low-grade fever, which disappear within a few days.

Q: What are the other stages of the state’s vaccination program and their expected start times?

A: Based on current vaccine supply levels, DHEC predicts that Phase 1c will begin approximately April 12. This phase includes all residents over the age of 45 and mandatory workers not included in Phase 1b. Work environment. Phase 2 will begin around May 3rd and will include all residents over the age of 16.


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