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40-year-old drug gives hope to COVID patients

40-year-old drug gives hope to COVID patients


Older drugs are being tested as a new early treatment potential for COVID-19. There are clues that the 40-year-old antidepressant fluvoxamine may prevent severe lung damage in COVID patients. It is currently being tested in large randomized clinical trials in the United States and Canada.

The story begins with a psychiatrist’s home illness with COVID symptoms. Dr. Angela Lersen, a psychiatrist at the University of Washington, was wondering how she could recover and help herself and others when she recalled her study with mice and fluvoxamine. This drug stopped sepsis in mice. This is a reaction of the immune system that is thought to cause damage to organs and cause runaway inflammation that can be fatal. It is believed that similar reactions can occur in patients with COVID.

Reirsen has contacted another psychiatrist, Dr. Eric Lenze, who specializes in finding new uses for drugs that have already been approved by the FDA. He immediately saw her rationale. “Angela presented a very compelling and innovative example of this drug,” he tells Alfonsi. “And we found that psychiatric drugs, such as safety and ease of use, have many properties that allow them to enter the body quickly, making them ideal for practical use.”

Renze was able to fund a small randomized clinical trial with the help of the University of Washington and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, where he worked. The test results were compelling and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study included 152 patients, 80 of whom received fluvoxamine. “So the results were really incredible. Of the 80 people who received fluvoxamine, 8% of those who received placebo did not get worse,” Lenze said. Says.

The editors of JAMA were impressed, but did not recommend widespread use. They wanted confirmation in a larger test.

Alfonsi reports that night that Dr. David Seftel learned about Lenze’s work at a webinar he hosted. He takes care of hundreds of workers at the Golden Gate Fields, a thoroughbred racetrack in California. He was skeptical. โ€œI’m a natural skeptic. Immediately after the webinar, I delved deeper into science,โ€ says Seftel. “Then I saw Eric Lenze’s treatise. Because of its excellent methodology, JAMA chose from 10,000 other treatises and published it. It feels comfortable for me to take for patients. “It’s a treatise,” he tells Alfonsi. “In this particular situation, strong biochemistry, good initial clinical results, minimal downsides. I felt I had to act.”

Ceftel provided a prescription for fluvoxamine to newly diagnosed COVID patients in Golden Gate Fields.

“65 patients chose to take fluvoxamine. 48 declined,” said Seftel. “12.5% โ€‹โ€‹of those who refused fluvoxamine were hospitalized and one died. The group taking fluvoxamine was not hospitalized.” Asked that it might be a fluke, Ceftel replies, “I don’t think so. Flukes can’t affect as clever and evil viruses as COVID.” (CBS)


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