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China cracks down on fake African swine fever vaccine


Beijing (Reuters)-China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said Monday that it would further crack down on the illegal production and sale of African swine fever vaccines as a sign of the extent of the problem damaging the world’s largest pig farming industry.

File Photo: File Photo: On September 5, 2018, pigs can be seen on a farm in the backyard on the outskirts of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. REUTERS / Hallie Gu / File Photo / File Photo

The ministry, which has warned of such actions since 2019, has taken stricter measures to “prevent the hidden risks of counterfeiting African swine fever” and ensure the recovery of classical swine fever and the stable development of the industry. Said it was necessary.

Chinese herds of pigs are still recovering from the catastrophic outbreak of the disease, which was most often fatal to pigs in their original form, and have wiped out about half of the herds.

However, industry insiders believe that the use of illegal vaccines has caused a new chronic form of African swine fever, Reuters reported in January.

Vaccines against the disease have not been approved anywhere in the world, but it is said that some strains of live viruses with the genes that are thought to prevent the disease have been removed are prevalent in China.

The ministry said it needed to strengthen identification and testing and urged local governments to identify positive samples of the virus and report strains lacking artificial genes to state veterinary authorities as soon as possible.

All local governments said the punishment for illegal activities related to fake vaccines should be increased and that any suspected criminal case should be referred to the judiciary immediately.

Pharmaceutical companies will be fined the highest amount, licenses will be revoked, and personnel will be banned from making veterinary products for the rest of their lives.

The ministry also plans to launch an education campaign for farmers on the risks of using fake vaccines, which will provide 30,000 yuan ($ 4,600) to those who inform authorities about their use.

The latest action is a growing concern about the recurrence of classical swine fever in winter. Analysts say the prevalence is much higher, but official outbreaks have been reported nationwide, most recently in Sichuan, Hubei, and Yunnan.

“The ASF problem is so serious that it has been out of control for some time,” said Wayne Johnson, a veterinarian at Enable Ag-Tech Consulting, a Beijing-based consultancy.

The measures taken by the ministry should be commended, but he added that some producers will struggle to comply with the ban on sending virus-infected pigs to slaughterhouses.

“There is no place for them to go,” he said.

According to the ministry, state officials must report on their efforts against vaccine use by June 30 and November 30.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Center for Animal Health and Epidemiology of China have said they will step up epidemiological studies of “new strains” of African swine fever.

Researchers recently reported discovering several mutations in the virus.

($ 1 = 6.5073 RMB)

Report by Dominique Patton; edited by Michael Perry and Richard Pullin


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