A Covid patient, 69, drained blood from his penis after suffering a painful three-hour erection.
A Coronavirus Patients in the United States suffered from a painful three-hour erection due to a rare complication of the disease.
From unidentified 69 years old Ohio During hospitalization for a severe seizure of Covid last fall, he was diagnosed with a condition medically known as priapism.
He was admitted to Miami Valley Hospital in August, suffering from severe shortness of breath and inflammation, and water in his lungs.
Obese patients were sedated and ventilated because their condition worsened and their lungs failed after 10 days of treatment.
Medical personnel placed him prone for 12 hours as an emergency technique to help inflate his body. When he lay on his back late in the afternoon, the nurse noticed that he had an erection.
writing American Journal of American MedicineThe doctor who treated him said he believed that Covid had caused a blood clot in his penis.
An ice pack was applied to the patient’s penis to control swelling, but the stiffness persisted for 3 hours. The doctor then had to use a needle to drain blood from the penis. Priapism did not recur, but the patient died of the ICU when the lungs eventually failed.
Covid patients in the United States had to drain blood from their penis after suffering a painful erection for three hours due to a rare complication of the disease.
They said the corpus cavernosum (the chamber of tissue inside his penis) was stiff, but the tip was relaxed.
The man was diagnosed with priapism when blood was trapped in an erection chamber that was thought to be caused by a blood clot.
The patient was unconscious and could not answer the question about how much pain he was feeling.
However, conditions that can cause permanent damage if not treated immediately are known to be intolerable.
Thirty minutes after the penis was drained, the swelling subsided and the patient received an IV drip containing a drug to prevent blood clots.
Covid has been shown to damage blood vessels and cause dangerous blood clots in many patients.
Experts are not sure why the virus causes obstruction, but the general theory is that it is the result of an immune hyperreactivity called a “cytokine storm” that sees the body attack healthy tissues. ..
Dr. Richard Vinnie, a urology consultant at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, said the case was “interesting.”
He said he had never met a Covid-19 patient with priapism.
Dr. Vinnie told MailOnline: “We haven’t seen any cases of such Covid-related priapism, and as far as I know, we’ve treated more Covid patients than any other European hospital, so this is clearly rare but explainable. It’s a symptom of Covid.
“In this patient, he certainly suffered from low-flow priapism that fits into microembolisms (small blood clots that form in smaller blood vessels). This is the Covid found in many other organ systems. Is one of the complications of. “
Priapism also affects men with sickle cell disease, leukemia (cancer of the blood), or malaria, but it can occur randomly without a trigger.
Blood clotting has been reported as a dangerous complication in up to one-third of patients infected with the coronavirus.
When a blood clot blocks an artery or vein, the blockage can cause a fatal heart attack or stroke. They can also lead to priapism.
This is not the first time a Covid patient has suffered from priapism.
An unidentified 62-year-old man from France suffered from a painful condition while being treated in a hospital due to a severe seizure of Covid.
The patient left the intensive care unit after spending two weeks on a ventilator. This suggests that he has recovered from Covid-19.
A doctor at the Versailles Center Hospitalier in Lucene, near Paris, wrote about the man in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Intensivist Miriam Ramamuri, who treated a French patient, explained that blood clotting was likely the cause.
What is Priapism?
Priapism is a long-term, painful erection that can cause permanent damage to the penis if not treated promptly, such as scarring and permanent erectile dysfunction.
Priapism can occur in all age groups, including newborns. However, it usually affects men of two different age groups: between the ages of 5 and 10, and between the ages of 20 and 50.
This condition develops when the blood in the penis is trapped and unable to drain.
There are two types of priapism: low and high flow.
Low flow priapism: This is the result of blood being trapped in the erectile chamber. It often occurs in otherwise healthy men for unknown reasons, but it also affects men with sickle cell disease, leukemia (cancer of the blood), or malaria.
High-flow priapism: This is more rare and usually painless. This is the result of arterial rupture due to damage to the penis or perineum (the area between the scrotum and anus), which prevents blood from the penis from circulating normally.
Priapism most commonly affects people with sickle cell disease.
Less common causes include anticoagulants such as warfarin, some antidepressants, recreational drugs such as cannabis and cocaine, drugs for hypertension, other blood disorders such as salacemia and leukemia, and eruptions. Includes treatment of disorders.
Few reports of priapism secondary to cancer have been reported, and the outcome is poor.
It occurs when the penis becomes stiff due to the cancer and can only be alleviated if the cancer has been treated.
An erection that lasts more than 4 hours is known as priapism and is a first aid measure.
If necessary, try urinating a lot of water go in a warm bath or shower for gentle walking exercises such as squats or running with spot-take painkillers such as Parasetemol.
please do not
Do not apply ice packs or cold water to your penis – this can make things worse Do not have sex or masturbate – your erection will not go away Do not drink alcohol Do not smoke give me
The goal of all treatments is to eliminate erections and maintain the ability to erect in the future and may include surgical ligation, intravenous injections, and surgical shunts.
Source: NHS And Cleveland Clinic
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