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Why You Should Wear a Face Mask When Your State Doesn’t Need It |


Health experts have long argued that face masks are important for slowing the spread of the coronavirus and ending the pandemic. However, some elected officials and their members still refuse to wear them.

Last week, President Joe Biden Criticized stateTo lift Covid-19 restrictions, including mask obligations, including Texas and Mississippi. He accused the governors of those states of “Neanderthal thinking.”

At least 15 states -Accounts 30% of the country-No face mask required.

When Over 500,000 Americans have died And Newly emerging variants Regarding the virus, health experts warn that such a policy could prolong the pandemic and result in more lives.

“We’re not out of the forest. We haven’t reached the end of the pandemic,” said Dr. Lina Wen, a medical analyst at CNN. “This is counterproductive, and it’s really annoying that these governors treat it as if the pandemic is over. That’s not true.”

“We may be on the verge of a fourth surge, and there are ways to prevent it, which has maintained precautions for some time,” she said.

Here are five reasons experts say you should wear a face mask, even if your state doesn’t need it:

Mask saves lives

The science is clear: wearing a face mask saves lives.

Many studies have shown that masks are the only and most effective method. Protect yourself and others From being infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), counties that require masks have lower Covid-19 cases and mortality.

According to a new study released by the CDC on Friday, mask mandates were associated with a 0.7 percentage point reduction in Covid-19 mortality by 20 days after implementation and up to 1.9 percentage points by 100 days. I did.

“The mask is bidirectional. The mask protects you and me by preventing the spread of droplets and aerosols that may contain viruses,” the CDC said in the mask’s guidance.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in Japan, has also started wearing it. Two masks..

“Many people take a common-sense approach,” he told CNN. “If you’re talking about physical barriers-and as the CDC recommends that you want at least two layers in the mask as physical barriers-and you probably prefer physical barriers. There’s nothing wrong with people wearing two masks. I often wear two masks myself. “

Last week, the CDC released new data suggesting that: Double masking The protection can be greatly improved.

A cloth mask can be layered on top of a medical mask, such as a disposable blue surgical mask, to provide a snug fit and leak-free, preventing 92.5% of potentially infectious particles from escaping.

Masks help prevent an increase in pandemics

The United States has made many advances in the fight against Covid-19, including the development of safety protocols, enhanced treatment plans, and vaccines.

The rate of infection, hospitalization and death Decrease Almost in many states since January 90 million doses of vaccine It has already been administered.

However, health experts warn that abandoning face masks could reverse these benefits.

Tens of thousands of Americans are still infected every day More contagious variants It is more important than ever to wear a face mask and follow other safety guidelines found.

“Listen clearly. In this level of variant spread, you’re completely losing the hard-earned foundation we’ve gained.” Said Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the CDC.

“I’m really worried about reports that more states are rolling back the exact public health measures we recommended to protect people from Covid-19,” she said. It was. “Stay strong in your beliefs. Keep on wearing your perfect mask and take other public health precautions that we know will work.”

The mask protects against vaccination

Health experts say that vaccinated people should continue to wear face masks for their protection and the safety of others.

None of the three licensed vaccines (Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson) are 100% effective. Continuing to wear a face mask after vaccination can provide additional protection for the individual.

It can also help stop the Covid-19 epidemic. This is because vaccines are effective in preventing symptomatological and severe illnesses. However, it is not clear that they prevent people from becoming asymptomatic carriers and spreading it to others.

Wen said Americans would have to Keep wearing the mask Until herd immunity is reached.

“It is estimated that about 70% of Americans must be vaccinated before they can obtain herd immunity by vaccination, which means that enough people have immunoprotection to prevent the virus from spreading anymore. That’s the point, “she said. “This means that about 230 million Americans have to be vaccinated.”

The mask is a sign of respect

In states where masks are not obligatory, people wearing masks may feel uncomfortable.

Health officials say they should continue to wear them anyway, not as a political statement, but as a sign of respect for vulnerable community members.

Many people, including the elderly and immunocompromised patients, Much higher risk of severe illness And even death from Covid-19. Wearing a mask shows that you care about their well-being.

“This is not about politics.” Wen said In July. “This shows that each of us cares for each other and respects each other.”

Dr. Joshua Barocas, an infectious disease doctor at the Boston Medical Center, reiterated her feelings.

“I think wearing a mask is more than just a virus infection, it’s just a symbol,” he said. “It can show people that you are committed to the cause, that you are committed to fighting Covid-19 as a community … with the lives of others and their children. We are committed to saving the lives of their families … and when we are ready, a strong economy will open. “

Masks help the United States return to normal

The pandemic has separated people from family, friends, work, school, religious services, and more.

Refusing to wear a mask does not restore it.What it does is to delay us further Return to normal According to experts, it makes life more dangerous.

“People say,’When did you get back to normal and you no longer have to wear a mask?'” Wen said. “This is not the right idea. We want to revive our business, serve the church face-to-face, and study school face-to-face. We need a mask to do that.”

Wen said it all started with our thinking. The sooner you notice that the mask is unrestricted, the sooner you can get back to normal, the sooner you get there.

She said that masked and non-masked wearers ultimately want the same thing: for the country to return to normal.

“We’re very close to the finish line, and that’s the most tragic part of everything. If you stay there a little longer, we’ll put an end to this pandemic,” she said. Told.

CNN’s Teresa Waldrop contributed to this report.


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