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Teenagers Must Withdraw COVID-19 Claims From Instagram


A teenager family in Wisconsin has filed a lawsuit against the Sheriff’s Office for threatening to arrest COVID-19-related Instagram posts for deletion.

A 16-year-old student at Westfield Area High School in Westfield, Wisconsin, Amiyako Hoon began to feel sick a few days after her school trip to Disney World and Universal Studios in Florida in early March.

Her symptoms — which is consistent with COVID-19, CCP virusAlso known as the new coronavirus-it became terrible and I had to be taken to a hospital for serious respiratory problems.

At first, I couldn’t test because I didn’t have the right test tools. However, the doctor treated her as a COVID-19 patient and was given oxygen. Then, on March 25, she tested negative for the CCP virus, but the doctors thought it was probably because the time frame for the virus test was positive. Moreover, they did not say the test was 100% reliable.

Amyiah posted three times on Twitter about her condition, urging her classmates to stay inside and take a test if needed. Once I went to a self-quarantine because of an illness to notify my classmates, and once I said I might need to stay in the emergency room from the hospital, and once I said I had a photo of myself wearing an oxygen mask. I took it.

However, the school district was dissatisfied with Amyiah’s candid revelations on her social media about her illness and sent letters to all parents to ease the fear that their children would also get the virus.

“Please, let me assure you that this is not true,” read the message from Westfield School District Administrator Bob Maicher, according to Go to “This is a silly way to get attention and the cause of the rumor is being addressed,” Weicher added.

To make matters worse, on March 17, Cameron Crump, Chief of Consular Affairs, Sheriff, Market County, attended the Cohorn family in Oxford, Wisconsin. He ordered Sheriff Joseph Conrus to immediately delete Amiya’s Instagram posts.

Amiya admitted that she or someone in her family might be arrested. Still, the family decided to consult the Wisconsin Law and Freedom Institute, which filed the lawsuit.[[[[pdf]On Thursday, on behalf of the family, the deputy prime minister argued that the first amendment was a violation of Amiya’s freedom of speech.

The institute demanded a written, public apology and assurance that Amiya’s experience of being intact and ill could be reposted to social media.

Sheriff’s lawyer, Sam Hall, said he “caused pain and panic,” claiming that Amyiah had been infected with a coronavirus that was negative for the virus among other parents. report.

“This incident is nothing more than a 2020 screaming fire in a crowded theater,” Hall added. First revision Did not protect the speech.

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