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Despite vaccination, an outbreak of COVID-19 was declared at a Kelowna care facility


An outbreak of COVID-19 was declared at the Cottonwoods Care Center in Kelowna, British Columbia on Sunday afternoon, but the majority of the population has already been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The Interior Health Authority said 2 staff and 10 residents tested positive for COVID-19.

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Bingo, Movie Night: Vaccines bring relief, plunge COVID-19 outbreaks at LTC’s home

According to Interior Health, contact tracing is underway and additional infection control and preventative measures are being implemented at the facility to control the spread of the virus.

Cottonwood Care Center is a long-term care facility operated by Interior Health. There are 221 publicly funded long-term care beds.

Laurie Tjernstrom said her husband Howard lived in a long-term care facility and was vaccinated twice.

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“I was really surprised because I thought everyone was vaccinated. I had the illusion that you were somewhat protected, but the underlying health problem that you may not be vaccinated against. I noticed that some people have.

“I’m very happy with cottonwood. They were great for my husband. I think the staff here are really great, and I’m certainly not dissatisfied.”

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Elderly people eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine can be booked as early as next week as Phase 2 of vaccine deployment in British Columbia begins.

Elderly people eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine can be booked as early as next week as Phase 2 of vaccine deployment in British Columbia begins.

As of February 15, 82% of the institution’s residents were receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 220 of the 268 residents were infected. Data provided by the BC Center of Disease Control (BCCDC).

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Dr. Suporok, Medical Health Officer at Interior Health, said the Cottonwood Care Center was one of the first long-term care facilities to be vaccinated in December.

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However, there are short-term buildings where residents temporarily reside, and some residents have only been vaccinated within the past few weeks.

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BC reports 1,462 new COVID-19 cases and 11 deaths in 3 days

“It really depends on the timing of the vaccine. It takes a couple of weeks after vaccination to develop immunity or protection against COVID-19,” Pollock said.

“In some of these cases, they were vaccinated, but only recently.”

According to Pollock, 65% of the facility’s staff have been vaccinated at least once. Some staff and residents are already eligible for a second dose.

Public health is investigating how the virus invaded the facility.

The facility holds a vaccination clinic once in January and once in February, and staff at the community health clinic also have access to the vaccine.

In late January, BC health officials announced that the COVID-19 vaccine had been given to all British Columbia care facilities.

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Dr. Bonnie Henry apologizes for “bad communication” with people whose second vaccination has been cancelled

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“I’m just relieved, very relieved and grateful that all the care and living support facilities in British Columbia were able to enter and protect the most vulnerable citizens. “We are,” said Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s state health officer, on January 29.

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Optimism for “normal” summer as BC enters Phase 2 of vaccine deployment

“Normal” Summer Optimism as BC Enters Phase 2 of Vaccine Deployment – ​​February 28, 2021

The program was completed when residents and staff of the care facility were first vaccinated.

one week before, British Columbia health officials have a gap It will be extended to 112 days between the first and second doses of the vaccine.

One of the manufacturers, Pfizer, recommends a 21-day gap between doses, and the state previously had a 42-day gap.

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On Monday, BC will enter Phase 2 of the Vaccination Deployment Program, where seniors over 90 and Aboriginal people over 65 are eligible to book COVID-19 vaccination.

State-wide mass immunization clinics will open next week in arenas, community centers, curling clubs, trade and convention centers, and health centers.

Interior Health residents can learn about the second phase of their local vaccination program. Our story from March 7th..

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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