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What parents need to know about links to MIS-C and COVID-19

What parents need to know about links to MIS-C and COVID-19


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Hospitals are seeing an increasing number of children with rare syndromes associated with COVID-19.Luis Alvarez / Getty Images
  • In hospitals, cases of MIS-C, a rare childhood disease associated with COVID-19, are on the rise.
  • MIS-C can cause inflammation of important organs such as the heart and lungs, which can be fatal.
  • Symptoms of MIS-C include persistent fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, red eye, and abdominal pain.

Less than 0.1 percent of all deaths According to COVID-19, which occurs in people under the age of 18, children are significantly less affected by pandemics than older people.

But that doesn’t mean they’ve escaped. When exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19, children are at risk for a serious condition known as multisystem inflammation syndrome (MIS-C). This condition causes problems in major organs and can be fatal in some cases.

This condition is rare, but the number of cases of MIS-C has skyrocketed in recent months. Also, as the state continues to lift restrictions on schools and businesses, experts say more children may be at risk of this potentially fatal condition while waiting for the COVID-19 vaccine. I am concerned that there is.

MIS-C is a condition that causes severe inflammation of the child’s organs such as the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system. Doctors have not yet identified the specific cause of the syndrome, but it can occur in children infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, or children who have spent time around sick people within the last few weeks. is known.

“We believe that COVID-19 infection can cause this very excessive immune response, which causes systemic inflammation that can affect multiple organs,” he explained. Dr. Christina Galiald, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist, Atlantic Health System, New Jersey.

MIS-C is uncommon, but can be life-threatening when it least 33 children He died of MIS-C, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which was last updated on March 1.

“Children with severe MIS-C who need to use a ventilator or ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), a machine that works with the heart and lungs, may be hospitalized for more than a week. There is. ”Gagliardo has been added.

Despite the severity of the condition, the majority of children with MIS-C will eventually recover. However, doctors are worried that conditions like COVID-19 can cause permanent damage to a child’s health.

“We are concerned about the long-term effects on the heart,” he said. Dr. Lawrence Kleinman, Pediatrician, Professor, and Head of Population Health, Quality, and Implementation Science at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical College. “I don’t know what will be caused by MIS-C waiting to appear at some point in the future. It will take time to know.”

At least there was 2,617 known cases of MIS-C From mid-May 2020 to March 1, 2021, according to the CDC. Many of these cases occurred during the surge that began last fall, and hospitals warn that the number of children with MIS-C continues to grow.

The exact reason for the MIS-C surge remains unclear, but doctors suspect it may be related to the COVID-19 epidemic that occurred during the holiday rally.

“The cases of MIS-C reflect the underlying number of COVID infections. The state has taken its own path and stupidly resumed, resulting in a surge in COVID in the summer and MIS in the fall. -C was seen. At the Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings, we saw another surge, “said Kleinman.

Another theory is that repeated exposure to COVID-19 can cause MIS-C.

“For example, if a child was exposed again last spring, and then in the fall or winter, but for now it’s not clear,” Gariald said.

It is important to note that MIS-C does not affect children of all backgrounds equally.Around 2 out of 3 reported cases of MIS-C According to the CDC, it occurs in Hispanic / Latino or black children.

“MIS-C is very disadvantageous. This is one of the causes of the virus. [that causes COVID-19] It was very disadvantageous because of socio-economic and racial and ethnic disparities, “Kleinman said.

Without addressing disparities in access to health care and vaccines, and differences in family abilities to prevent the spread of the virus, MIS-C affects the Hispanic / Latin and black communities in a disproportionate proportion to the white community. May continue to exert.

The symptoms of MIS-C are very similar to other illnesses, so it can be difficult to tell if a child is showing signs of the condition. It is usually accompanied by a fever that lasts for several days.

Other symptoms of MIS-C are:

  • rash
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • Neck pain
  • Red-eye or red-eye
  • Malaise
  • stomach ache

“Some children also have swelling in their hands and feet, or swelling in the lymph nodes in their neck,” Galliard added.

If your child has MIS-C symptoms, contact your pediatrician or healthcare provider for evaluation.

The· CDC Say you should seek emergency care if your child is experiencing:

  • confusion
  • Can’t keep awake
  • Chest pain
  • Dyspnea
  • Extreme abdominal pain
  • Pallor, or blue or gray skin, nail bed, or lips

Although MIS-C is a very rare condition, it can be fatal, so it is important to continue COVID-19 prevention strategies such as wearing masks, increasing social distance, and washing hands.

“People look at the percentages and say that COVID-19 is not a bad illness for children, and that’s true only if you don’t really get sick or get a MIS-C,” he said. .. “Only a few children get it, but the number makes sense and some people are devastated by it.”


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